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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 9 six-letter words ending with STIE

BESTIEbestie n. (Informal) best friend.
bestie n. (Informal) best friend; A term of address for someone, usually used to instruct, to make a statement…
BESTIE n. (slang) one's best friend, also BEZZIE, BEZZY.
FASTIEFASTIE n. (Australian slang) a deceitful trick.
GUSTIEGUSTIE adj. (Scots) savoury.
HISTIEHISTIE adj. (Scots) dry, barren, also HIRSTIE.
HOSTIEhostie n. (Obsolete, Catholicism) the consecrated bread or wafer of the Eucharist, host.
hostie n. (Australia, informal) An air hostess.
HOSTIE n. (Australian slang) an air hostess.
PASTIEpastie n. An item worn (often by strippers) to conceal one’s nipples.
pastie n. A type of seasoned meat pie, usually of a semicircular or distinctive shape.
pastie n. (Northern Ireland) A circular, battered and deep-fried meat pie usually consisting of minced pork, onion…
POSTIEpostie n. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, colloquial) Diminutive of postman, postwoman.
postie n. (Canada, rare, colloquial) Diminutive of postal worker.
POSTIE n. (Australian slang) a postman.
TYSTIEtystie n. (Scotland) the black guillemot.
TYSTIE n. an Orkney and Shetland name for the black guillemot.
WESTIEwestie n. Alternative form of Westie.
Westie n. (Informal) A West Highland White Terrier.
Westie n. (Slang, derogatory) An inhabitant of the western suburbs of a city or town, stereotyped as of working…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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