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List of 11-letter words ending with

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There are 18 eleven-letter words ending with SOME

BURTHENSOMEburthensome adj. Obsolete spelling of burdensome.
BURTHENSOME adj. heavy, oppressive, also BURDENOUS, BURDENSOME.
CHUCKLESOMEchucklesome adj. Causing chuckles; humorous.
CHUCKLESOME adj. full of chuckles.
DELIGHTSOMEdelightsome adj. Characterised or marked by delight; very pleasing; delightful.
DELIGHTSOME adj. (archaic) delightful.
FLAVOURSOMEflavoursome adj. Britain standard spelling of flavorsome.
FLAVOURSOME adj. full of flavour, also FLAVORSOME.
FURTHERSOMEfurthersome adj. Tending to further, advance, or promote; helpful; advantageous.
FURTHERSOME adj. helpful; advantageous; rash.
QUARRELSOMEquarrelsome adj. Argumentative; fond of or prone to quarreling.
QUARRELSOME adj. apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner.
SCHISTOSOMEschistosome n. (Zoology) A parasitic flatworm which needs two hosts to complete its life cycle. The immature form infests…
SCHISTOSOME n. a disease-causing blood fluke.
SHUDDERSOMEshuddersome adj. Causing one to shudder; fearsome.
SHUDDERSOME adj. causing one to shudder.
SLUMBERSOMEslumbersome adj. Characterised or marked by slumber; sleepy.
SLUMBERSOME adj. sleepy.
SYNAPTOSOMEsynaptosome n. A structure containing vesicles and mitochondria of a synapse that is obtained when brain tissue is homogenized.
SYNAPTOSOME n. a nerve ending that is isolated from homogenized nerve tissue.
TORTURESOMEtorturesome adj. Characterised or marked by torture; torturous.
TORTURESOME adj. torturous.
TROUBLESOMEtroublesome adj. Causing trouble or anxiety.
TROUBLESOME adj. causing trouble.
TRYPANOSOMEtrypanosome n. Any of a group of protozoan parasites which are transmitted by biting insects and infect the blood of…
TRYPANOSOME n. a parasite causing sleeping sickness.
UNLIGHTSOMEUNLIGHTSOME adj. (Milton) without light.
UNWHOLESOMEunwholesome adj. Not wholesome; unfavorable to health; unhealthful.
unwholesome adj. Not sound; tainted; defective.
unwholesome adj. Indicating unsound health; characteristic of or suggesting an unsound condition, physical or mental;…
VENTURESOMEventuresome adj. Bold; willing to take risks; adventurous.
venturesome adj. Potentially hazardous; risky.
VENTURESOME adj. involving risk.
WHEEDLESOMEwheedlesome adj. Characterised or marked by wheedling; coaxing, cajoling.
WHEEDLESOME adj. coaxing.
WRANGLESOMEwranglesome adj. Characterised or marked by wrangling; inclined to wrangle or squabble; quarrelsome.
WRANGLESOME adj. quarrelsome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 152 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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