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There are 5 words ending with SNE

ESNEesne n. (Anglo-Saxon, historical) A hireling of servile status; slave.
ESNE n. (historical) a domestic slave in Old English times.
MESNEmesne adj. (Law) Intermediate.
mesne n. (Law) A mesne lord.
MESNE adj. middle; intervening; as, in mesne lord, a lord holding an estate from a superior feudal lord.
VISNEvisne n. (Law, obsolete or historical) neighborhood; vicinity; venue.
VISNE n. the chosen location for an event, also VENUE, VENEWE, VENEY.
PUISNEpuisne adj. (Obsolete) Younger; junior.
puisne adj. (Obsolete) Insignificant, petty; ineffectual.
puisne adj. (Law) Inferior in rank, as designation of any justice, judge etc. other than the most senior.
DEMESNEdemesne n. A lord’s chief manor place, with that part of the lands belonging thereto which has not been granted…
demesne n. A region or area; a domain.
DEMESNE n. a manor house and its untenanted land, also DEMAIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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