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There are 10 words ending with SIM

DIVISIMdivisim adv. (Formal) Separately.
divisim adj. (Of a compound term) Written as two or more separate words.
DIVISIM adv. (Latin) separately.
PASSIMpassim adv. Throughout or frequently.
passim adv. Here and there.
PASSIM adv. (Latin) here and there.
PHANTASIMphantasim n. Obsolete form of phantasm.
PHANTASIM n. (Shakespeare) a fantastic person, also PHANTASIME.
SHAMMASIMshammasim n. Plural of shammas.
SHAMMAS n. (Yiddish) the sexton in a synagogue; the candle used to light the other 8 candles of a Chanukah menorah, also SHAMMASH, SHAMMES, SHAMMOS, SHAMOS.
SHAMMOSIMshammosim n. Plural of shammes.
SHAMMOS n. (Hebrew) the sexton in a synagogue; the candle used to light the other 8 candles of a Chanukah menorah, also SHAMMAS, SHAMMASH, SHAMMES, SHAMOS.
SHAMOSIMSHAMOS n. (Yiddish) a minor official of a synagogue, also SHAMMES, SHAMAS, SHAMMAS, SHAMMASH, SHAMMOS.
SIMsim n. (Informal) A simulation or simulator.
Sim prop.n. A male given name, diminutive of Simon and Simeon.
Sim prop.n. A Scottish surname transferred from the given name derived from the given name.
TALEYSIMtaleysim n. Plural of tales.
TALLITH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLIS, TALLIT.
TALLAISIMtallaisim n. Plural of tallit.
TALLITH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLIS, TALLIT.
TALLISIMtallisim n. Plural of tallis.
TALLIS n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLITH, TALLIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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