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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 10 six-letter words ending with SOR

CENSORcensor n. (Ancient Rome, historical) One of the two magistrates who originally administered the census of citizens…
censor n. (Ancient China, historical) A high-ranking official who was responsible for the supervision of subordinate…
censor n. An official responsible for the removal or suppression of objectionable material (for example, if obscene…
CURSORcursor n. A part of any of several scientific or measuring instruments that moves back and forth to indicate a position.
cursor n. (Graphical user interface) A moving icon or other representation of the position of the pointing device.
cursor n. (Graphical user interface) An indicator, often a blinking line or bar, indicating where the next insertion…
FOSSORfossor n. (Historical) A gravedigger in the catacombs of Ancient Rome.
fossor n. A type of mole cricket, Gryllotalpa fossor, known for its digging abilities.
FOSSOR n. (archaic) a gravedigger.
LESSORlessor n. (Property law) The owner of property that is leased; the landlord to a lease.
LESSOR n. one who grants a lease.
PHASORphasor n. (Mathematics) A representation of a complex number in terms of a complex exponential.
phasor n. (Sciences, engineering) A plotted line whose length and angle represent the amplitude and phase, respectively…
phasor n. A phase modulator.
SEISORseisor n. Alternative form of seizor.
SEISOR n. one who seizes (property), takes possession, also SEISER, SEIZER, SEIZOR.
SENSORsensor n. A device or organ that detects certain external stimuli and responds in a distinctive manner.
SENSOR n. a device that responds to a stimulus.
TENSORtensor n. (Anatomy) A muscle that tightens or stretches a part, or renders it tense.
tensor n. (Mathematics, linear algebra, physics) A mathematical object that describes linear relations on scalars…
tensor n. (Mathematics, obsolete) A norm operation on the quaternion algebra.
TONSORtonsor n. (Obsolete) A barber.
TONSOR n. (Latin) a barber.
TUSSORtussor n. Alternative form of tussar.
TUSSOR n. (Hindi) a fawn-coloured silk made from wild Indian silkworms, also TASAR, TUSSAH, TUSSAR, TUSSEH, TUSSER, TUSSORE, TUSSUR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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