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There are 17 five-letter words ending with SSE

BASSEbasse n. Archaic form of bass (“perch”).
Basse prop.n. A surname.
BASSE n. a European fish of the sea-perch family.
CESSECESSE v. (Spenser) to cease.
DESSEDESSE n. (Spenser) a desk.
FESSEfesse n. Alternative spelling of fess (horizontal band in heraldry).
FESSE n. a horizontal band across the middle of a shield.
FOSSEfosse n. A ditch or moat.
fosse n. (Anatomy) Alternative form of fossa.
Fosse prop.n. A surname.
GESSEGESSE v. (Spenser) to guess, also GHESSE.
GOSSEGOSSE n. (Shakespeare) gorse.
JESSEJesse prop.n. (Biblical) The father of king David.
Jesse prop.n. A male given name from Hebrew of biblical origin.
Jesse prop.n. A female given name, variant of Jessie.
MASSEMasse prop.n. A surname from French.
massé n. (Billiards, snooker) A stroke made with the cue held vertically that causes a billiard ball to move in an arc.
MASSE n. (French) a vertical shot in billiards.
MUSSEMUSSE v. to disarrange, to mess, also MUSS.
NISSENisse prop.n. A town in Borsele, Netherlands.
NISSE n. in Scandinavian folklore, a brownie or goblin, also NIS.
PASSEpasse adj. Alternative spelling of passé.
passe v. Obsolete spelling of pass.
passé adj. (Colloquial) Dated; out of style; old-fashioned.
POSSEposse n. A group or company of people, originally especially one having hostile intent; a throng, a crowd.
posse n. (Now historical, in later use chiefly US) A group of people summoned to help law enforcement.
posse n. (US) A search party.
RASSErasse n. Viverricula indica, the small Indian civet.
RASSE n. (Javanese) a carnivore allied to the civet but smaller, native of China and the East Indies.
RUSSERUSSE adj. (French) as in charlotte russe, a cold dessert made from whipped cream, custard etc., surrounded by sponge fingers.
SASSEsasse n. (Obsolete) A sluice or lock, as in a river, to make it more navigable.
Sasse prop.n. A surname.
SASSE n. (Dutch) a sluice or lock, as in a river, to make it more navigable.
TASSEtasse n. A piece of armor for the thighs, in the form of plates (of one piece or segmented) hanging from the…
TASSE n. in plate armour, one of a series of overlapping pieces forming a kind of skirt, also TACE, TASLET, TASSET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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