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There are 16 words ending with SU

MASUmasu n. A plant, Hedysarum alpinum, whose edible root is consumed by the Inuit of Alaska.
masu n. A square wooden box, originally used to measure rice in Japan during the feudal period.
masu n. Masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou).
SUSUsusu n. (Finance) An informal money pooling scheme practised in Africa, the Caribbean, and some immigrant communities.
Susu n. A Mande ethnic group living primarily in Guinea.
Susu prop.n. The language spoken by the Susu people.
BUSSUbussu n. The palm tree Manicaria saccifera.
BUSSU n. (Tupi) a tropical American palm with gigantic leaves that serve for cloth.
LASSUlassu n. Archaic form of lasso.
lassu v. Archaic form of lasso.
LASSU n. (Hungarian) the slow movement of a Hungarian dance.
BABASSUbabassu n. A tall Brazilian feather palm, Attalea speciosa, having hard-shelled nuts that yield an edible oil.
BABASSU n. (Tupi) a Brazilian palm tree, also BABACU.
JUJITSUjujitsu n. A method of self-defence established in Japan emphasizing “jū” (soft or gentle) “jutsu” (art or technique)…
jujitsu n. Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a related art, derived from judo.
jujitsu n. (Figuratively) Strategic maneuvering, especially with the aim of using the strength of one’s opponent…
JUJUTSUjujutsu n. Alternative form of jujitsu.
JUJUTSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JIUJUTSU, JUJITSU.
SHIATSUshiatsu n. A form of massage, using the thumbs and palms, employed as therapy.
SHIATSU n. (Japanese) a massage technique using finger pressure at acupuncture centers, also SHIATZU.
JIUJITSUjiujitsu n. Alternative spelling of jujitsu.
jiu-jitsu n. Alternative spelling of jujitsu.
jiu-jitsu n. Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
JIUJUTSUjiujutsu n. Alternative form of jujitsu.
JIUJUTSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JUJITSU, JUJUTSU.
KEIRETSUkeiretsu n. A set of Japanese companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings.
KEIRETSU n. (Japanese) a coalition of business groups in Japan.
NINJITSUninjitsu n. Alternative form of ninjutsu.
NINJITSU n. (Japanese) a martial art, teaching stealth and camouflage, also NINJUTSU.
NINJUTSUninjutsu n. (Martial arts) A Japanese martial art that is a collection of techniques originally practiced for Japanese…
NINJUTSU n. (Japanese) a martial art, teaching stealth and camouflage, also NINJITSU.
TIRAMISUtiramisu n. An Italian semifreddo dessert, originally from Veneto, made from ladyfinger biscuits, cocoa, mascarpone…
tiramisù n. Alternative spelling of tiramisu.
TIRAMISU n. (Italian) a dessert made with pieces of sponge soaked in coffee and marsala, layered with mascarpone and chocolate.
ZAIBATSUzaibatsu n. (Economics) A Japanese ‘money clique’ or conglomerate; (by extension) in the United States, any large corporation.
ZAIBATSU n. (Japanese) a powerful, family-controlled Japanese combine.
QINGHAOSUqinghaosu n. The drug artemisinin.
QINGHAOSU n. (Chinese) a crystalline compound obtained from artemisia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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