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There are 17 words ending with RTEDNESS

ASSORTEDNESSassortedness n. The state or quality of being assorted.
ASSORTEDNESS n. the state of being assorted.
CONCERTEDNESSconcertedness n. The quality of being concerted.
CONCERTEDNESS n. the state of being concerted.
CONTORTEDNESScontortedness n. The quality of being contorted.
CONTORTEDNESS n. the state of being contorted.
DISTORTEDNESSdistortedness n. The quality of being distorted.
DISTORTEDNESS n. the state of being distorted.
PERVERTEDNESSpervertedness n. The state of being perverted; perversion.
PERVERTEDNESS n. the state of being perverted.
BIGHEARTEDNESSbigheartedness n. The quality of being bighearted.
big-heartedness n. Alternative form of bigheartedness.
BIGHEARTEDNESS n. the state of being bighearted.
COLDHEARTEDNESScoldheartedness n. Alternative spelling of cold-heartedness.
cold-heartedness n. The state of being cold-hearted.
COLDHEARTED n. marked by lack of sympathy, interest, or sensitivity.
DOWNHEARTEDNESSdownheartedness n. The characteristic of being downhearted; sadness.
down-heartedness n. Alternative form of downheartedness.
DOWNHEARTED n. downcast, dejected.
HALFHEARTEDNESShalfheartedness n. The characteristic of being halfhearted.
half-heartedness n. Alternative form of halfheartedness.
HALFHEARTED n. lacking heart, spirit, or interest.
HARDHEARTEDNESShardheartedness n. (Uncountable) The state of being hardhearted.
hardheartedness n. (Countable) A hardhearted thought or act.
hard-heartedness n. Alternative form of hardheartedness.
KINDHEARTEDNESSkindheartedness n. The quality of being kindhearted.
kind-heartedness n. Alternative form of kindheartedness.
KINDHEARTEDNESS n. the state of being kindhearted.
LIONHEARTEDNESSlionheartedness n. The quality of being lionhearted; courage and magnanimity.
lion-heartedness n. Alternative form of lionheartedness.
LIONHEARTED n. brave as a lion.
OPENHEARTEDNESSopenheartedness n. Alternative form of open-heartedness.
open-heartedness n. Frankness; candor and sincerity.
open-heartedness n. Generosity and kindness.
SOFTHEARTEDNESSsoftheartedness n. The state or condition of being softhearted; sentimental tenderness.
soft-heartedness n. Alternative form of softheartedness.
SOFTHEARTEDNESS n. the state of being softhearted.
TRANSPORTEDNESStransportedness n. The state of being transported, i.e. carried away or entranced.
TRANSPORTEDNESS n. the state of being transported.
TRUEHEARTEDNESStrueheartedness n. The quality of being true-hearted.
TRUEHEARTEDNESS n. the state of being truehearted.
WARMHEARTEDNESSwarmheartedness n. The quality of being warmhearted.
warm-heartedness n. The quality of being warm-hearted.
WARMHEARTEDNESS n. the state of being warmhearted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 111 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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