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There are 15 words ending with ROPHILES

BAROPHILESbarophiles n. Plural of barophile.
BAROPHILE n. a bacterium able to tolerate high atmospheric pressure.
EUROPHILESeurophiles n. Plural of europhile.
Europhiles n. Plural of Europhile.
EUROPHILE n. one who admires Europe and Europeans.
TUROPHILESturophiles n. Plural of turophile.
TUROPHILE n. a connoisseur of cheese.
XEROPHILESxerophiles n. Plural of xerophile.
XEROPHILE n. a plant adapted to dry conditions.
HYDROPHILEShydrophiles n. Plural of hydrophile.
HYDROPHILE n. a plant loving moist places, also HYGROPHILE.
HYGROPHILESHYGROPHILE n. a plant loving moist places, also HYDROPHILE.
NECROPHILESnecrophiles n. Plural of necrophile.
NECROPHILE n. someone who is morbidly attracted to corpses, also NECROPHIL.
OMBROPHILESombrophiles n. Plural of ombrophile.
OMBROPHILE n. a plant flourishing in extremely rainy conditions, also OMBROPHIL.
AILUROPHILESailurophiles n. Plural of ailurophile.
AILUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILOUROPHILE.
HETEROPHILESheterophiles n. Plural of heterophile.
HETEROPHILE n. a polymorphonuclear leukocyte in humans that may be stained with dyes, also HETEROPHIL.
NEUTROPHILESneutrophiles n. Plural of neutrophile.
NEUTROPHILE n. a leukophyte that is easily stained, also NEUTROPHIL.
SIDEROPHILESsiderophiles n. Plural of siderophile.
SIDEROPHILE n. an element with an affinity for iron, whose geochemical distribution is influenced by this property.
AILOUROPHILESailourophiles n. Plural of ailourophile.
AILOUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILUROPHILE.
ELECTROPHILESelectrophiles n. Plural of electrophile.
ELECTROPHILE n. an electrophilic substance, such as an electron-accepting reagent.
MICROAEROPHILESmicroaerophiles n. Plural of microaerophile.
MICROAEROPHILE n. an organism, esp. a bacterium, that thrives in an environment low in oxygen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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