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There are 12 words ending with RICISM

LYRICISMlyricism n. Great enthusiasm.
lyricism n. The emotional style of lyric poetry.
lyricism n. Suitability to be sung or used as lyrics.
METRICISMMETRICISM n. the study of metre.
EMPIRICISMempiricism n. (Medicine, now chiefly historical) Medicine as practised by an empiric, founded on mere experience…
empiricism n. (Philosophy) A doctrine which holds that the only or, at least, the most reliable source of human knowledge…
empiricism n. A pursuit of knowledge purely through experience, especially by means of observation and sometimes by experimentation.
ESOTERICISMesotericism n. The tendency to promote or desire the esoteric.
esotericism n. Doctrines or practices of esoteric knowledge.
ESOTERICISM n. esoteric doctrines or practices.
EXOTERICISMexotericism n. The quality of being widely known or exoteric.
EXOTERICISM n. the state of being exoteric.
HISTORICISMhistoricism n. A theory that events are influenced by historical conditions, rather than by people.
historicism n. (Art) The use of historical styles in contemporary art.
historicism n. (Theology) A method of interpretation in Christian eschatology which attempts to associate Biblical…
THEATRICISMtheatricism n. Theatricality; affectation; staginess.
THEATRICISM n. theatricality, affectation, staginess.
AHISTORICISMahistoricism n. An attitude that tends to ignore history as being unimportant and having no relevance to modern life…
GEOCENTRICISMgeocentricism n. Alternative form of geocentrism.
GEOCENTRICISM n. the belief that the earth is the centre of the universe.
METEMPIRICISMmetempiricism n. The science that is concerned with metempirics.
METEMPIRICISM n. the study of metempiric ideas.
THEOCENTRICISMTHEOCENTRICISM n. the state of being theocentric, having God as the central interest and ultimate concern, also THEOCENTRICITY.
HELIOCENTRICISMheliocentricism n. Alternative form of heliocentrism.
HELIOCENTRICISM n. the state of being heliocentric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in German: no word
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