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There are 10 words ending with RTILE

CORTILEcortile n. (Architecture) An internal courtyard, surrounded by walls but open to the sky.
CORTILE n. (Italian) an enclosed, usually roofless courtyard.
FERTILEfertile adj. Of land, etc.: capable of growing abundant crops; productive.
fertile adj. (Figuratively) Of one’s imagination, etc.: active, productive, prolific.
fertile adj. (Biology).
TORTILEtortile adj. (Rare) Twisted, winding, contorted.
TORTILE adj. twisted.
QUARTILEquartile n. (Statistics) Any of the three points that divide an ordered distribution into four parts, each containing…
quartile n. (Statistics) Any one of the four groups so divided.
QUARTILE n. an aspect of the planets when their longitudes differ by 90.
EXSERTILEexsertile adj. (Biology) Capable of being thrust out or protruded.
EXSERTILE adj. capable of being thrust out or protruded.
INFERTILEinfertile adj. Not fertile.
INFERTILE adj. not fertile, also UNFERTILE.
UNFERTILEunfertile adj. Not fertile.
UNFERTILE adj. not fertile, also INFERTILE.
SUBFERTILEsubfertile adj. Exhibiting subfertility.
SUBFERTILE adj. not very fertile.
INTERFERTILEinterfertile adj. Capable of interbreeding.
INTERFERTILE adj. capable of interbreeding.
INTERQUARTILEinterquartile adj. (Statistics) Between quartiles.
interquartile n. (Statistics) The range or content of an interquartile.
INTERQUARTILE adj. between quartiles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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