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There are 17 words ending with RNATE

ORNATEornate adj. Elaborately ornamented, often to excess.
ornate adj. Flashy, flowery or showy.
ornate adj. Finely finished, as a style of composition.
TERNATEternate adj. (Botany) Having three divisions (or leaflets).
Ternate prop.n. An island in Maluku, Indonesia.
Ternate prop.n. A North Halmahera language of eastern Indonesia, spoken on the island of Ternate.
INORNATEinornate adj. Not ornate.
INORNATE adj. not ornate, also UNORNATE.
UNORNATEunornate adj. Not ornate.
UNORNATE adj. not ornate.
ALTERNATEalternate adj. Happening by turns; one following the other in succession of time or place; first one and then the other (repeatedly).
alternate adj. (Mathematics) Designating the members in a series, which regularly intervene between the members of…
alternate adj. (US) Other; alternative.
BICORNATEbicornate adj. Alternative form of bicornuate.
BICORNATE adj. having two horns or hornlike parts, also BICORNUATE.
CYBERNATEcybernate v. (Transitive) To automate (An industrial process, etc.) using a computer system.
CYBERNATE v. to control by means of a computer.
EXCARNATEexcarnate adj. Deprived or stripped of flesh.
excarnate v. (Transitive) To deprive or strip of flesh.
EXCARNATE v. to deprive or strip of flesh.
HIBERNATEhibernate v. (Intransitive, biology) To spend the winter in a dormant or inactive state of minimal activity, low…
hibernate v. (Intransitive) To live in seclusion.
hibernate v. (Intransitive, computing) To enter a standby state which conserves power without losing the contents of memory.
INCARNATEincarnate adj. (Traditionally postpositive, now frequently prepositive) Embodied in flesh; given a bodily, especially…
incarnate adj. (Obsolete) Flesh-colored, crimson.
incarnate v. (Transitive) To embody in flesh, invest with a bodily, especially a human, form.
SUPERNATEsupernate n. A supernatant liquid.
SUPERNATE v. to float on a surface.
DISCARNATEdiscarnate adj. Having no physical body or form.
DISCARNATE adj. disembodied; separated from the body.
QUATERNATEquaternate adj. Composed of, or arranged in, sets of four.
QUATERNATE adj. in sets of four.
TRITERNATEtriternate adj. (Botany) Three times ternate; applied to a leaf whose petiole separates into three branches, each of…
TRITERNATE adj. thrice ternate, i.e. ternate with each division ternate, and each again ternate.
CONSTERNATEconsternate v. (Transitive) To cause consternation in; to dismay.
CONSTERNATE v. to fill with consternation.
REINCARNATEreincarnate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To be, or cause to be, reborn, especially in a different body or as a different species.
REINCARNATE v. to incarnate again.
SUBALTERNATEsubalternate adj. Succeeding by turns; successive.
subalternate adj. Subaltern; inferior; subordinate.
subalternate n. (Logic) A particular proposition, as opposed to a universal one.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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