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There are 19 words ending with RKIER

BARKIERbarkier adj. Comparative form of barky: more barky.
BARKY adj. having a tough outer covering.
BIRKIERBIRKIE adj. (Scots) active, lively.
CORKIERcorkier adj. Comparative form of corky: more corky.
CORKY adj. like cork.
DORKIERdorkier adj. Comparative form of dorky: more dorky.
DORKY adj. (slang) idiotic, contemptible.
FORKIERFORKY adj. resembling a fork.
JERKIERjerkier adj. Comparative form of jerky: more jerky.
JERKY adj. spasmodic.
KERKIERKERKY adj. stupid.
LARKIERlarkier adj. Comparative form of larky: more larky.
LARKY adj. given to larking, also LARKISH, LARKSOME.
MIRKIERmirkier adj. Comparative form of mirky: more mirky.
MIRKY adj. dark, also MURKY.
MURKIERmurkier adj. Comparative form of murky: more murky.
MURKY adj. dark, also MIRKY.
NARKIERnarkier adj. Comparative form of narky: more narky.
NARKY adj. irritable.
PARKIERparkier adj. Comparative form of parky: more parky.
PARKY adj. (colloquial) chilly.
PERKIERperkier adj. Comparative form of perky: more perky.
PERKY adj. cheerful, lively.
PORKIERporkier adj. Comparative form of porky: more porky.
PORKY adj. plump like a pig.
SARKIERsarkier adj. Comparative form of sarky: more sarky.
SARKY adj. sarcastic.
QUIRKIERquirkier adj. Comparative form of quirky: more quirky.
QUIRKY adj. twisted.
SMIRKIERsmirkier adj. Comparative form of smirky: more smirky.
SMIRKY adj. given to smirking.
SNARKIERsnarkier adj. Comparative form of snarky: more snarky.
SNARKY adj. crotchety.
SPARKIERsparkier adj. Comparative form of sparky: more sparky.
SPARKY adj. lively, also SPARKIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 19 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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