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There are 17 words ending with RILLA

ANTIGUERRILLAantiguerrilla adj. (Military) Opposing or countering guerrillas.
ANTIGUERRILLA adj. designed to counter guerrillas.
BANDERILLAbanderilla n. (Bullfighting) A decorated barbed stick used in bullfighting to stick into the bulls’ shoulders.
BANDERILLA n. a dart stuck into a bull at a bullfight.
BARILLAbarilla n. (Botany) Any of several not closely related saltmarsh plants that were once burnt to obtain soda ash…
barilla n. The alkali produced from the plant, an impure carbonate of soda, used for making soap, glass, etc., and for bleaching.
barilla n. Impure soda obtained from the ashes of any seashore plant, or kelp.
CABRILLAcabrilla n. Epinephelus analogus (spotted grouper), of the eastern Pacific.
cabrilla n. Any of various edible fishes of Serranus and related genera, inhabiting the Mediterranean, the coast…
CABRILLA n. (Spanish) a name applied to various species of edible fishes of the genus Serranus.
CAMARILLAcamarilla n. A secret, usually sinister, group of conspiring advisors close to the leadership; a cabal.
CAMARILLA n. (Spanish) a group of unofficial often secret and scheming advisors; a cabal.
CASCARILLAcascarilla n. A euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub (Croton eleutheria).
cascarilla n. The aromatic bark of this shrub, formerly used as a gentle tonic or mixed with tobacco for smoking.
CASCARILLA n. (Spanish) a euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub; its aromatic bark.
COUNTERGUERILLAcounterguerilla adj. Alternative spelling of counterguerrilla.
COUNTERGUERILLA n. a guerrilla fighting other guerillas.
CUADRILLAcuadrilla n. (Bullfighting) The team which supports the matador.
CUADRILLA n. (Spanish) the attendants of a matador.
FIBRILLAfibrilla n. A minute thread or fibre; a fibril.
FIBRILLA n. (Latin) a small fibre, also FIBRIL.
GORILLAgorilla n. The largest of the apes, belonging to the genus Gorilla, native to the forests of central Africa and…
gorilla n. A big and brutish man or a thug; a goon or ruffian.
gorilla n. (Informal) A powerful person or organization; a heavyweight or behemoth.
GUERILLAguerilla n. Alternative spelling of guerrilla.
GUERILLA n. a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army, also GUERRILLA.
GUERRILLAguerrilla n. A soldier in a small independent group, fighting against the government or regular forces by surprise raids.
guerrilla n. (Now rare) A non-official war carried out by small independent groups; a guerrilla war.
guerrilla adj. (Military) Relating to, using, or typical of guerrilla warfare, or its principles of small independent…
HYDRILLAhydrilla n. An aquatic plant, Hydrilla verticillata.
Hydrilla prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hydrocharitaceae – certain aquatic plants.
HYDRILLA n. an aquatic plant used as an oxygenator in aquaria and pools.
PERILLAperilla n. An East Asian herb with flavorful leaves used in cooking and as a garnish, Perilla frutescens. Also…
Perilla prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – the shiso herb, found in southeast and east Asia.
PERILLA n. (Latin) a genus of labiate herbs, of which one species is often cultivated for its purple or variegated foliage.
SARSAPARILLAsarsaparilla n. Any of various tropical (Central and South) American vines of the genus Smilax, such as Smilax aspera…
sarsaparilla n. The dried roots of these plants, or a flavoring material extracted from these roots.
sarsaparilla n. A beverage (soft drink) flavored with this root, such as root beer.
SPIRILLAspirilla n. Plural of spirillum.
SPIRILLUM n. a rigid, spiral-shaped bacterium.
ZORILLAzorilla n. Alternative spelling of zorille.
ZORILLA n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORIL, ZORILLE, ZORILLO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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