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There are 14 words ending with RATUS

ALTOSTRATUSaltostratus n. (Physics, meteorology) A principal medium-level cloud type in the form of a gray or bluish (never white)…
ALTOSTRATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
APPARATUSapparatus n. The entirety of means whereby a specific production is made existent or task accomplished.
apparatus n. A complex machine or instrument.
apparatus n. (Collective) An assortment of tools and instruments.
CIRROSTRATUScirrostratus n. (Meteorology) A principal high-level cloud type appearing as a whitish veil, usually fibrous but sometimes…
CIRROSTRATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
CUMULOSTRATUScumulostratus n. Synonym of stratocumulus.
CUMULOSTRATUS n. a type of cloud.
FOEDERATUSfoederatus n. A confederate. One of the tribes bound by treaty, who were neither Roman colonies nor had they been…
FOEDERATUS n. (Latin) a conquered enemy of Rome; an auxiliary soldier fighting for the Romans.
LITERATUSliteratus n. (Chiefly in the plural) A learned person; one acquainted with literature.
LITERATUS n. (Latin) a learned man; a man acquainted with literature.
NIMBOSTRATUSnimbostratus n. (Meteorology) According to the World Meteorological Organization, a mid-level, principal cloud type…
NIMBOSTRATUS n. a type of cloud.
PERFORATUSperforatus n. (Anatomy) The short flexor of the toes, or the superficial flexor of the fingers.
PERFORATUS n. the short flexor of the toes or the superficial flexor of the finger.
QUADRATUSquadratus n. (Anatomy) Any of several roughly square or rectangular muscles, e.g. in the abdomen, thigh, and eye socket.
QUADRATUS n. the name of several quadrangular muscles.
RATUSratus n. Plural of ratu.
RATU n. a local chief in Fiji, also RATOO.
SALERATUSsaleratus n. Sodium bicarbonate.
saleratus n. Potassium bicarbonate.
SALERATUS n. potassium or sodium bicarbonate, used in raising agents such as baking powder.
SERRATUSserratus n. (Anatomy) Any of several muscles of the vertebral or costal region that produce a serrated border.
SERRATUS n. (Latin) a muscle of the thorax.
STRATUSstratus n. (Meteorology) A principal, low-level cloud type in the form of a gray layer with a rather uniform base…
STRATUS n. (Latin) a low-lying cloud resembling a horizontal fog bank.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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