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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 20 nine-letter words ending with RABLY

ADMIRABLYadmirably adv. In a way worthy of admiration.
admirably adv. To an admirable degree.
ADMIRABLE adv. worthy of being admired.
ALTERABLYalterably adv. In an alterable manner.
ALTERABLE adv. that can be altered.
COLORABLYcolorably adv. In a colorable manner.
COLORABLE adv. that can be coloured, also COLOURABLE.
DESIRABLYdesirably adv. In a manner likely to arouse desire.
DESIRABLE adv. to be desired.
ENDURABLYendurably adv. In an endurable or tolerable manner.
ENDURABLE adv. that can be endured.
EXECRABLYexecrably adv. In an execrable way.
EXECRABLE adv. detestable, wretched.
FAVORABLYfavorably adv. In a favorable manner.
FAVORABLE adv. (US) favourable, also FAVOURABLE.
HONORABLYhonorably adv. US standard spelling of honourably.
HONORABLE adv. (US) honourable, also HONOURABLE.
INCURABLYincurably adv. In an incurable manner.
INCURABLE adv. that cannot be cured, also UNCURABLE.
INERRABLYinerrably adv. Free from error; infallibly; unerringly.
INERRABLE adv. incapable of erring; infallible.
INFERABLYinferably adv. Such that it may be inferred.
INFERABLE adv. that can be inferred, also INFERIBLE, INFERRABLE, INFERRIBLE.
MEMORABLYmemorably adv. In a memorable manner.
MEMORABLE adv. worth remembering.
MISERABLYmiserably adv. In a miserable manner.
MISERABLE adv. wretched.
NUMERABLYnumerably adv. In a way that allows numbering; countably.
NUMERABLE adv. that can be numbered.
REPARABLYreparably adv. In a reparable manner.
REPARABLE adv. that can be repaired.
SEPARABLYseparably adv. Such that it can be separated.
SEPARABLE adv. that can be separated.
SUPERABLYSUPERABLE adv. capable of being overcome or conquered.
TOLERABLYtolerably adv. In a tolerable manner; to an extent that can be tolerated.
tolerably adv. (Dated) Reasonably; acceptably; somewhat.
TOLERABLE adv. that can be tolerated.
UNCURABLYuncurably adv. In an uncurable manner; in a way that cannot be cured.
UNCURABLE adv. (Shakespeare) not curable, also INCURABLE.
VENERABLYvenerably adv. In a venerable manner.
VENERABLE adv. worthy of reverence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 22 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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