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There are 13 words ending with RIPE

RIPEripe adj. (Of fruits, vegetables, seeds etc.) Ready for reaping or gathering; having attained perfection; mature.
ripe adj. (Of foods) Advanced to the state of fitness for use; mellow.
ripe adj. (Figuratively) Having attained its full development; mature; perfected.
CRIPECripe prop.n. A surname.
CRIPE interj. used as a mild oath, also CRIPES.
GRIPEgripe v. (Intransitive, informal) To complain; to whine.
gripe v. (Transitive, informal) To annoy or bother.
gripe v. (Nautical) To tend to come up into the wind, as a ship which, when sailing close-hauled, requires constant…
TRIPEtripe n. The lining of the large stomach of ruminating animals, when prepared for food.
tripe n. (Chiefly in the plural) The entrails; hence, humorously or in contempt, the belly.
tripe n. (Figurative, derogatory) Something foolish or valueless, especially written works and popular entertainment…
STRIPEstripe n. A long region of a single colour in a repeating pattern of similar regions.
stripe n. A long, relatively straight region against a different coloured background.
stripe n. (In the plural) The badge worn by certain officers in the military or other forces.
UNRIPEunripe adj. Not ripe.
unripe adj. Developing too early; premature.
UNRIPE adj. not mature enough.
OVERRIPEoverripe adj. Excessively ripe; spoiled; gone bad.
over-ripe adj. Alternative spelling of overripe.
OVERRIPE adj. too ripe.
RARERIPErareripe adj. (Agriculture) ripening early (said most commonly of peaches and onions).
rareripe adj. (By extension, of a person, uncommon) maturing too quickly; taking on the trappings of maturity before…
rareripe n. An agricultural plant that ripens early.
RATHRIPErathripe n. (Dialectal) Alternative form of rareripe.
RATHRIPE n. a fruit that ripens early, also RARERIPE, RATHERIPE.
PINSTRIPEpinstripe n. A very thin stripe on a fabric.
pinstripe n. Such a fabric.
pinstripe n. A suit made of such fabric.
RATHERIPEratheripe n. (UK, dialect) A variety of apple that ripens early.
RATHERIPE n. a fruit that ripens early, also RARERIPE, RATHRIPE.
UNDERRIPEunderripe adj. Insufficiently ripe for harvesting or eating.
under-ripe adj. Alternative spelling of underripe.
UNDERRIPE adj. insufficiently ripe.
CHALKSTRIPECHALKSTRIPE n. clothing with a pattern of thin white stripes on a dark background.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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