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There are 15 words ending with RETE

ACCRETEaccrete v. (Intransitive) To grow together, combine; to fuse.
accrete v. (Intransitive) To adhere; to grow or to be added to gradually.
accrete v. (Transitive) To make adhere; to add; to make larger or more, as by growing.
ARETEarete n. (Philosophy) Virtue, excellence.
arete n. (Philosophy) The proper state or condition for a human.
arete n. Alternative spelling of arête.
CALCRETEcalcrete n. A sedimentary rock, a hardened deposit of calcium carbonate, capable of cementing together with other materials.
CALCRETE n. a composite rock of sand and gravel cemented with calcium carbonate.
CONCRETEconcrete adj. Real, actual, tangible.
concrete adj. Being or applying to actual things, not abstract qualities or categories.
concrete adj. Particular, specific, rather than general.
DISCRETEdiscrete adj. Separate; distinct; individual; non-continuous.
discrete adj. That can be perceived individually, not as connected to, or part of, something else.
discrete adj. (Mathematics) Consisting of or permitting only distinct values drawn from a finite, countable set.
EXCRETEexcrete v. (Biology, transitive, intransitive) To discharge material (including waste products) from a cell, body or system.
EXCRETE v. to discharge or eject.
FERROCONCRETEferroconcrete n. A building material made from Portland cement concrete with a matrix of steel bars or wires (rebars)…
FERROCONCRETE n. reinforced concrete.
GROSSIERETEGROSSIERETE n. (French) coarseness.
INDISCRETEindiscrete adj. Not discrete mathematically.
indiscrete adj. Not divided into discrete parts.
indiscrete adj. Obsolete form of indiscreet.
OVERSECRETEoversecrete v. (Medicine) to secrete excessively.
over-secrete v. Alternative form of oversecrete.
RETErete n. (Anatomy) A network of blood vessels or nerves.
rete n. An anatomical part resembling or including a network.
rete n. A rotating cutaway plate or overlay on an astrolabe or starmap which represents the horizon; used to…
SECRETEsecrete adj. (Obsolete, rare) Separated.
secrete v. (Physiology, transitive, of organs, glands, etc.) To extract a substance from blood, sap, or similar…
secrete v. (Transitive, figurative) To exude or yield.
SEMITERETEsemiterete adj. Half terete.
SEMITERETE adj. half-cylindrical.
SHOTCRETEshotcrete n. Concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface.
SHOTCRETE n. a type of concrete material commonly known as sprayed concrete, whereby layers of concrete are extruded from a gun or hose to form the required.
TERETEterete adj. Having a smooth circular cross-section; cylindrical, commonly more or less tapering.
TERETE adj. smooth-surfaced, cylindrical, and tapering at the ends.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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