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There are 11 words ending with REIN

REINrein n. A strap or rope attached to a bridle or bit, used to control a horse, animal or young child.
rein n. (Figurative) An instrument or means of curbing, restraining, or governing.
rein v. (Transitive) To direct or stop a horse by using reins.
GREINGrein prop.n. A surname.
GREIN v. (Scots) to long, yearn.
HEREINherein adv. In this; within this content, context, or thing.
HEREIN adv. contained in this.
MUREINmurein n. Peptidoglycan, mucopeptide.
MUREIN n. a peptidoglycan found in cell walls.
SEREINserein n. Alternative form of serene (“light rainfall from a cloudless sky after sunset”).
SEREIN n. (French) fine tropical rain falling from an apparently cloudless night sky.
UNREINunrein v. (Transitive) To loosen the reins of.
unrein v. (Transitive, figurative, by extension) To remove restraint from.
Unrein prop.n. A surname.
THEREINtherein adv. (Takes a reflexive pronoun) in that; in that place; in him/her/it.
THEREIN adv. in that place.
WHEREINwherein adv. How, or in what way.
wherein conj. Where, or in which location.
wherein conj. During which.
CHECKREINcheckrein n. A strap used to keep horses’ heads high, fashionable in Victorian England but painful and damaging to…
check-rein n. Alternative form of checkrein.
CHECKREIN n. a short rein looped over the check hook to prevent a horse from lowering his head, aka a bearing rein.
KALLIKREINkallikrein n. (Biochemistry) A hypotensive protease that liberates kinins from blood plasma proteins and is used therapeutically…
KALLIKREIN n. a hypotensive protein that liberates kinins from blood plasma proteins.
TURNVEREINturnverein n. A company or association of gymnasts and athletes.
TURNVEREIN n. a club of turners or gymnasts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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