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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 10 nine-letter words ending with RADE

ANTITRADEantitrade n. The wind that blows from west to east above the trade wind.
antitrade adj. Opposing trade.
anti-trade adj. Alternative spelling of antitrade.
CITIGRADEcitigrade adj. Characteristic of spiders of the species Loxosceles citigrada.
CITIGRADE adj. moving quickly, applied specifically to the Lycosidae or wolf-spiders that run down their prey.
DOWNGRADEdowngrade n. A reduction of a rating, as a financial or credit rating.
downgrade n. A downhill gradient on a road or railway.
downgrade v. To place lower in position.
FANFARADEfanfarade n. Synonym of fanfare (“flourish of trumpets or horns”).
FANFARADE n. (French) a fanfare.
GINGERADEgingerade n. A refreshing carbonated drink made with ginger.
GINGERADE n. a carbonated soft drink flavoured with ginger.
NEWSTRADEnewstrade n. The industry that produces and sells news, as in newspapers, magazines, television broadcasts, etc.
NEWSTRADE n. the business of newsagents.
OVERGRADEovergrade adj. (Bridge-building) Having the truss above the roadway.
overgrade v. To award too high a grade to a student or a piece of work.
OVERGRADE v. to grade too highly.
OVERTRADEovertrade v. To trade beyond one’s capital; to buy goods beyond the means of paying for or selling them; to overstock the market.
OVERTRADE v. to trade beyond one's capital; to buy goods beyond the means of paying for them.
POSIGRADEposigrade n. (Aerospace) A small rocket that gives additional forward thrust.
POSIGRADE adj. having or producing positive thrust.
TALIGRADEtaligrade adj. (Biology) Walking on the edge of its feet.
TALIGRADE adj. walking on the outer side of the foot, as opposed to plantigrade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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