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There are 13 seven-letter words ending with ROSE

ACEROSEacerose adj. (Botany) Having the nature of chaff; chaffy.
acerose adj. (Botany) needle-shaped, having a sharp, rigid point, as the leaf of the pine.
ACEROSE adj. needle-shaped.
AGAROSEagarose n. A polymeric cross-linked polysaccharide extracted from the seaweed agar; used to make gels that are…
AGAROSE n. a sugar obtained from agar.
BEPROSEbeprose v. (Transitive, rare) To reduce to prose.
BEPROSE v. to reduce to prose.
CIRROSEcirrose adj. Alternative spelling of cirrhose.
CIRROSE adj. like a cirrus, also CIRRATE.
FIBROSEfibrose v. (Intransitive) To undergo fibrosis.
FIBROSE v. to form fibrous tissue.
LABROSElabrose adj. Having thick lips.
LABROSE adj. having thick or large lips.
LEPROSEleprose adj. (Medicine) Synonym of leprous, afflicted with leprosy.
leprose adj. (Botany) Synonym of scaly or lepidote, particularly describing lichens with a granular or powdery thallus.
LEPROSE adj. affected with leprosy, also LEPROUS, LEPROTIC.
NECROSEnecrose v. (Intransitive, pathology) To become necrotic.
NECROSE v. to affect with necrosis.
OPEROSEoperose adj. (Now rare) Of a person: busy, industrious, or painstaking.
operose adj. (Now rare) Made with or requiring a lot of labour; painstaking, laborious.
operose adj. (Now rare) Tedious, wearisome.
REAROSErearose v. Simple past tense of rearise.
REARISE v. to arise again.
SUCROSEsucrose n. (Biochemistry) A disaccharide with formula C12H22O11, consisting of two simple sugars, glucose and fructose;…
SUCROSE n. a white crystalline disaccharide composed of a glucose and a fructose unit.
TETROSEtetrose n. (Biochemistry) A sugar or saccharide containing four carbon atoms.
TETROSE n. a sugar whose molecules contain four carbon atoms.
UMBROSEumbrose adj. (Obsolete) Shady; umbrageous.
UMBROSE adj. shade-giving; dusky, also UMBROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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