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There are 19 seven-letter words ending with RANT

AMARANTamarant n. Obsolete form of amaranth.
AMARANT n. a fabled never-fading flower, also AMARANTH.
AMORANTAMORANT adj. pertaining to romantic love.
COURANTcourant n. A piece of music in triple time.
courant n. A lively dance; a coranto.
courant n. A circulating gazette of news; a newspaper.
CURRANTcurrant n. A small dried grape, usually the Black Corinth grape, rarely more than 4 mm in diameter when dried.
currant n. The fruit of various shrubs of the genus Ribes, white, black or red.
currant n. A shrub bearing such fruit.
ENTRANTentrant n. A participant who enters something, such as a contest.
entrant n. A newcomer.
ENTRANT n. someone who enters, also INTRANT.
FARRANTFARRANT adj. (Scots) having a certain manner or appearance, also FARAND, FARRAND.
HYDRANThydrant n. An outlet from a liquid/fluid main often consisting of an upright pipe with a valve attached from which…
HYDRANT n. an outlet from a water main.
INTRANTintrant adj. (Rare) That enters or penetrates.
intrant n. (Rare) An entrant, especially one who enters on some public duty.
INTRANT n. a person who enters, esp. on membership, office or possession.
ITERANTiterant adj. Marked by repetition or iteration.
ITERANT adj. repeating.
LATRANTlatrant n. (Obsolete) One who complains constantly.
LATRANT adj. barking, snarling.
MIGRANTmigrant n. A migratory animal, in particular a migratory bird.
migrant n. Traveller or worker who moves from one region or country to another.
migrant n. (Informal) A person who leaves one place in order to permanently settle in another.
ODORANTodorant n. Any substance that has a distinctive smell, especially one added to something (such as household gas)…
odorant adj. Having an odour/odor.
ODORANT n. an odorous substance.
OPERANToperant adj. That operates to produce an effect.
operant n. An operative person or thing.
operant n. (Psychology) Any of a class of behaviors that produce consequences by operating (i.e., acting) upon the environment.
REGRANTregrant v. (Transitive) To grant (something) again or in a different way.
regrant n. The act of granting back to a former proprietor.
regrant n. A renewal of a grant.
SPIRANTspirant n. (Linguistics, dated) A fricative.
SPIRANT n. a sound produced by narrowing the air passage.
TITRANTtitrant n. (Analytical chemistry) The reagent of known concentration and volume used in titrations.
TITRANT n. the reagent used in titration.
VAGRANTvagrant n. (Dated) A person who wanders from place to place; a nomad, a wanderer.
vagrant n. (Specifically) A person without settled employment or habitation who usually supports himself or herself…
vagrant n. Vagrans egista, a widely distributed Asian butterfly of the family Nymphalidae.
VIBRANTvibrant adj. Pulsing with energy or activity.
vibrant adj. Lively and vigorous.
vibrant adj. Vibrating, resonant or resounding.
WARRANTwarrant n. Authorization or certification; a sanction, as given by a superior.
warrant n. (Countable) Something that provides assurance or confirmation; a guarantee or proof.
warrant n. (Countable) An order that serves as authorization; especially a voucher authorizing payment or receipt of money.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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