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There are 14 seven-letter words ending with RAGE

AVERAGEaverage n. (Mathematics) The arithmetic mean.
average n. (Statistics) Any measure of central tendency, especially any mean, the median, or the mode.
average n. (Law, marine) Financial loss due to damage to transported goods; compensation for damage or loss.
BARRAGEbarrage n. An artificial obstruction, such as a dam, in a river designed to increase its depth or to divert its flow.
barrage n. (Military) A heavy curtain of artillery fire directed in front of one’s own troops to screen and protect them.
barrage n. A concentrated discharge of projectile weapons.
BEERAGEbeerage n. (UK politics) The influence of the brewing industry within the British political system.
BEERAGE n. the brewing industry.
COURAGEcourage n. The quality of being confident, not afraid or easily intimidated, but without being incautious or inconsiderate.
courage n. The ability to overcome one’s fear, do or live things which one finds frightening.
courage n. The ability to maintain one’s will or intent despite either the experience of fear, frailty, or frustration;…
LAIRAGElairage n. A place where sheep or cattle may be rested during transit to a market or abattoir.
LAIRAGE n. cattle housing.
MOORAGEmoorage n. The act of mooring.
moorage n. A place where a ship or an aircraft may be moored.
moorage n. The fee for mooring.
OUTRAGEoutrage n. An excessively violent or vicious attack; an atrocity.
outrage n. An offensive, immoral or indecent act.
outrage n. The resentful, indignant, or shocked anger aroused by such acts.
OUVRAGEOUVRAGE n. (French) work.
OVERAGEoverage adj. Having an age that is greater than a stipulated minimum.
overage adj. Too old to be of use in a particular situation.
overage v. To have too long an aging process.
PEERAGEpeerage n. Peers as a group; the titled nobility or aristocracy.
peerage n. The rank or title of a peer or peeress.
peerage n. A book listing such people and their families.
PIERAGEpierage n. Wharfage.
PIERAGE n. a fee paid for the use of a pier.
STORAGEstorage n. (Uncountable) The act of storing goods; the state of being stored.
storage n. (Usually countable) An object or place in which something is stored.
storage n. (Usually uncountable, computer hardware) Any computer device, including such as a disk, on which data…
UMBRAGEumbrage n. A feeling of anger or annoyance caused by something offensive.
umbrage n. A feeling of doubt.
umbrage n. Leaves that provide shade, as the foliage of trees.
VITRAGEvitrage n. A curtain of light translucent material intended to be secured directly to the woodwork of a French…
VITRAGE n. (French) a thin curtain for windows or glazed doors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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