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There are 8 seven-letter words ending with RADE

AGGRADEaggrade v. (Transitive, geology) to raise the level of a river bed by the deposition of sediment.
AGGRADE v. to raise the level of a surface through depositing detritus.
CHARADEcharade n. (Literature, archaic) A genre of riddles where the clues to the answer are descriptions or puns on its…
charade n. (Uncommon) A single round of the game charades, an acted form of the earlier riddles.
charade n. (Obsolete) A play resembling the game charades, particularly due to poor acting.
COMRADEcomrade n. A mate, companion, or associate.
comrade n. A companion in battle; fellow soldier.
comrade n. (Communism) A fellow socialist, communist or other similarly politically aligned person.
CORRADEcorrade v. (Obsolete) To gnaw into; to wear away.
corrade v. (Geology) To erode through physical or mechanical (rather than chemical) means, as the bed of a stream.
corrade v. (Obsolete) To scrape or rake together; to accumulate laboriously.
DEGRADEdegrade v. (Transitive) To lower in value or social position.
degrade v. (Intransitive, ergative) To reduce in quality or purity.
degrade v. (Transitive, geology) To reduce in altitude or magnitude, as hills and mountains; to wear down.
ESTRADEestrade n. A dais or raised platform.
ESTRADE n. (French) a low platform.
REGRADEregrade v. (Transitive) To grade again, give a new grade or grading to.
regrade v. (Transitive) To regroup or reassign.
regrade v. (US, transitive) To change the classification of (potentially secret documentation).
UPGRADEupgrade n. An upward grade or slope.
upgrade n. An improved component or replacement item, usually applied to technology.
upgrade n. An improvement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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