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List of 12-letter words ending with

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There are 19 twelve-letter words ending with RAPH

CATHODOGRAPHcathodograph n. (Physics, archaic) An X-ray image; a radiograph.
CATHODOGRAPH n. a photograph created using X-rays.
CERAUNOGRAPHceraunograph n. A device for measuring lightning discharges.
CERAUNOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording thunderstorms by detecting the radio waves generated, also KERAUNOGRAPH.
ELECTROGRAPHelectrograph n. A machine used in gravure printing.
electrograph n. A recording electrometer; also, the graph produced by such a device.
electrograph n. (Historical) An instrument for the reproduction at a distance of pictures, maps, etc., by means of electricity.
ELLIPSOGRAPHellipsograph n. A mechanical instrument used to trace out an ellipse.
ELLIPSOGRAPH n. an instrument for describing ellipses.
EVAPOROGRAPHevaporograph n. A device that uses evaporation to create a visible image from infrared.
EVAPOROGRAPH n. a device giving direct or photographic images of objects in darkness by focusing infrared radiations from them onto an oil-film.
FLANNELGRAPHflannelgraph n. A board covered with flannel fabric used as a backdrop when telling stories to children, the characters…
FLANNELGRAPH n. a display board covered with flannel or felt, on which letters, pictures, etc. backed with material will stick when pressed against it.
HARMONOGRAPHharmonograph n. A mechanical device that uses a combination of pendulums to generate an image based on Lissajous curves.
HARMONOGRAPH n. an instrument for drawing curves representing vibrations.
KERAUNOGRAPHkeraunograph n. (Archaic) A figure or picture impressed by lightning upon the human body or elsewhere.
keraunograph n. A ceraunograph; an instrument for measuring and recording lightning.
KERAUNOGRAPH n. an instrument for detecting distant thunderstorms, also CERAUNOGRAPH.
MAGNETOGRAPHmagnetograph n. An instrument for measuring changes in the direction and intensity of magnetic fields.
MAGNETOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording measurements of magnetic fields.
MARCONIGRAPHmarconigraph n. (Dated) wireless telegraph.
marconigraph v. (Dated) To communicate by wireless telegraph.
MARCONIGRAPH n. a message sent by wireless telegraphy.
METEOROGRAPHmeteorograph n. A device used to measure various meteorological conditions, usually the temperature and humidity.
METEOROGRAPH n. an instrument used to record a variety of meteorological observations.
OPISTHOGRAPHopisthograph n. (Historical) Any early document (such as a roll of papyrus) that has writing on the back as well as the front.
opisthograph n. (Historical) Any early book that has letterpress printing on both sides of the page.
OPISTHOGRAPH n. a manuscript or slab inscribed on both back and front.
OSCILLOGRAPHoscillograph n. An instrument for measuring alternating or varying electric current in terms of current and voltage; an oscilloscope.
OSCILLOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording alternating current wave forms.
PHRASEOGRAPHphraseograph n. Synonym of phraseogram.
PHRASEOGRAPH n. a phrase for which there exists a phraseogram.
REPHOTOGRAPHrephotograph v. To photograph again.
REPHOTOGRAPH v. to photograph again.
SPECTROGRAPHspectrograph n. A machine for recording spectra, producing spectrograms.
SPECTROGRAPH n. an instrument for viewing a spectrum.
SPHYGMOGRAPHsphygmograph n. A mechanical device used to measure blood pressure and pulse.
SPHYGMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording the pulse.
SUBPARAGRAPHsubparagraph n. Part of a longer paragraph that can be considered alone, as in a legal document.
subparagraph v. To divide a document into subparagraphs.
sub-paragraph n. Alternative spelling of subparagraph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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