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There are 8 words ending with RTE

CARTEcarte n. A bill of fare; a menu.
carte n. (Dated) A visiting card.
carte n. (Historical) A carte de visite (small collectible photograph of a famous person).
ECARTEecarte n. A card game for two persons, with 32 cards, ranking K, Q, J, A, 10, 9, 8, 7. Five cards are dealt each…
écarté n. A card game in which one can discard certain cards from one’s hand and replace them with cards from the deck.
ECARTE n. (French) a card game.
FORTEforte n. A strength or talent.
forte n. The strong part of a sword blade, close to the hilt.
forte adj. (Music) Loud. Used as a dynamic directive in sheet music in its abbreviated form, "f.", to indicate…
OUVERTEOUVERTE adj. (French) open, also OUVERT.
PANFORTEpanforte n. A dense flat cake made with honey, hazelnuts, almonds, candied fruit, cocoa and spices; a speciality of Siena.
PANFORTE n. (Italian) a hard spicy cake.
PIANOFORTEpianoforte n. (Music, dated) A piano.
piano-forte n. Alternative form of pianoforte.
PIANOFORTE n. (Italian) a large keyboard musical instrument.
QUARTEquarte n. (Fencing) The fourth defensive position, with the sword hand held at chest height, and the tip of the…
QUARTE n. the fourth of eight parrying or attacking positions in fencing.
TORTEtorte n. A rich, dense cake, typically made with many eggs and relatively little flour (as opposed to a sponge…
TORTE n. (German) a rich cake made of many eggs, little flour, and usually containing nuts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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