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There are 20 words ending with ROR

ERRORerror n. (Uncountable) The state, quality, or condition of being wrong.
error n. (Countable) A mistake; an accidental wrong action or a false statement not made deliberately.
error n. (Countable, uncountable) Sin; transgression.
FURORfuror n. A general uproar or commotion.
furor n. Violent anger or frenzy.
furor n. A state of intense excitement.
JURORjuror n. (Law) A member of a jury.
JUROR n. a member of a jury, also JURYMAN.
MARORmaror n. (Judaism) A bitter vegetable, such as horseradish or Romaine lettuce, eaten at the Passover seder as…
MAROR n. (Hebrew) a dish of bitter herbs, esp. horseradish, eaten at the Jewish Passover.
HORRORhorror n. (Countable, uncountable) An intense distressing emotion of fear or repugnance.
horror n. (Countable, uncountable) Something horrible; that which excites horror.
horror n. (Countable, uncountable) Intense dislike or aversion; an abhorrence.
MIRRORmirror n. A smooth surface, usually made of glass with reflective material painted on the underside, that reflects…
mirror n. (Figuratively) An object, person, or event that reflects or gives a picture of another.
mirror n. (Computing, Internet) A disk, website or other resource that contains replicated data.
TERRORterror n. (Countable, uncountable) Intense dread, fright, or fear.
terror n. (Uncountable) The action or quality of causing dread; terribleness, especially such qualities in narrative fiction.
terror n. (Countable) Something or someone that causes such fear.
ADJURORadjuror n. Alternative spelling of adjurer.
ADJUROR n. one who commands solemnly, also ADJURER.
ASSURORassuror n. An assurer; an underwriter; an insurer.
ASSUROR n. one who assures, takes out assurance, also ASSURER.
EMPERORemperor n. The male monarch or ruler of an empire.
emperor n. Any monarch ruling an empire, irrespective of gender, with "empress" contrasting to mean the consort of an emperor.
emperor n. (Political theory) Specifically, the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire; the world-monarch.
OFFERORofferor n. One who makes an offer to another.
offeror n. Someone who presents something to another for acceptance or rejection.
OFFEROR n. one who offers, also OFFERER.
CONJURORconjuror n. Alternative spelling of conjurer.
conjuror n. (Law, obsolete) One bound by a common oath with others.
CONJUROR n. a person who performs magic tricks, also CONJURER.
NONJURORnonjuror n. (Historical, Anglicanism) Someone who refuses to swear a particular oath, specifically a clergyman who…
nonjuror n. One who is not a juror.
NONJUROR n. one of those adherents of James II who refused to take the oath of allegiance to William and Mary, or to their successors, after the revolution of 1688; a Jacobite.
VERDERORverderor n. Alternative form of verderer.
VERDEROR n. an officer in charge of the royal forests in England, also VERDERER.
BIOTERRORbioterror n. Terrorism using biological techniques.
BIOTERROR n. use of biological weapons by terrorists.
CONQUERORconqueror n. Someone who conquers.
Conqueror prop.n. (England, dated) William the Conqueror.
CONQUEROR n. one who conquers, also CONQUERER.
RECOVERORrecoveror n. (Law) The demandant in a common recovery after judgment.
RECOVEROR n. the demandant in a common recovery after judgment.
TRANSFERORtransferor n. Someone who transfers his property to another.
TRANSFEROR n. one who transfers.
SURRENDERORsurrenderor n. (Law) One who makes a surrender, as of an estate.
SURRENDEROR n. one who surrenders, also SURRENDERER.
COUNTERTERRORcounterterror n. Counter-terrorism.
COUNTERTERROR n. terror designed to counter terrorism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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