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There are 14 words ending with ROM

ROMrom adj. (Proofreading) Abbreviation of roman.
rom sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Romani.
Rom prop.n. The ethnic designation used by the Romani people from Eastern Europe.
FROMfrom prep. Used to indicate source or provenance.
from prep. Originating at (A year, time, etc.).
from prep. Used to indicate a starting point or initial reference.
PROMprom n. (Britain) A promenade concert.
prom n. (Britain, abbreviation) A promenade.
prom n. (US) A formal ball held at a high school or college on special occasions; e.g,. near the end of the academic year.
CAROMcarom n. (Countable, cue sports, especially billiards) A shot in which the ball struck with the cue comes in…
carom n. (Uncountable) A billiard-like Indian game in which players take turns flicking checker-like pieces into…
carom v. (Intransitive) To make a carom (shot in billiards).
CARROMcarrom n. Alternative spelling of carom.
carrom v. Alternative spelling of carom.
CARROM v. to collide with and rebound, also CAROM.
POGROMpogrom n. A riot aimed at persecution or massacre of a particular ethnic or religious group, usually Jews.
pogrom n. An antisemitic hate crime with a large death toll, irrespective of the number of perpetrators.
pogrom v. (Transitive) To persecute or massacre a particular group of people.
VAGROMvagrom adj. (Obsolete) Vagrant.
vagrom n. (Obsolete, nonstandard) vagrant.
VAGROM adj. (Shakespeare) vagrant.
DIADROMdiadrom n. (Obsolete) A complete course or vibration, as of a pendulum.
DIADROM n. (Greek) a course or passing; a vibration.
ANGSTROMangstrom n. (Physics) A unit of length equal to 10−10 meters (that is, one ten-billionth of a meter), approximately…
Angstrom n. Alternative letter-case form of angstrom.
angström n. Alternative form of angstrom.
CASCHROMcaschrom n. The crooked spade; an implement of tillage peculiar to the Highlands, used for turning the ground where…
CASCHROM n. (Gaelic) a spade with a bent handle for tilling soil.
HEREFROMherefrom adv. (Formal) from this, from here.
herefrom adv. (Archaic) henceforth, from now on.
HEREFROM adv. from this.
MAELSTROMmaelstrom n. A large and violent whirlpool.
maelstrom n. (Figuratively) A chaotic or turbulent situation.
maelström n. Dated spelling of maelstrom.
THEREFROMtherefrom adv. (Formal) From that; from him, her, or it.
THEREFROM adv. from that.
WHEREFROMwherefrom adv. (Archaic) from which; whence.
wherefrom adv. (Interrogative) from what? from where? whence?
WHEREFROM adv. from where.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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