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There are 9 words ending with ROI

DIPTEROIdipteroi n. Plural of dipteros.
DIPTEROS n. (Greek) a building with two colonnades.
KOUROIkouroi n. Plural of kouros.
KOUROS n. (Greek) an ancient Greek statue of a nude boy.
MELANOCHROIMelanochroi n. (Dated, ethnology) A division of the human population, consisting of the darker-skinned among the white races.
MELANOCHROI n. people, like Caucasians, with dark hair and light skin.
MESONEPHROImesonephroi n. Plural of mesonephros.
MESONEPHROS n. the second of the three segments of the embryonic kidney in vertebrates.
METANEPHROImetanephroi n. Plural of metanephros.
METANEPHROS n. the third of the three segments of the embryonic kidney in vertebrates.
MONOPTEROImonopteroi n. Plural of monopteros.
MONOPTEROS n. a building with single ring of columns supporting a roof.
OCTROIoctroi n. (Historical) A privilege granted by the sovereign authority, such as the exclusive right of trade granted…
octroi n. (Historical) A tax levied in money or kind at the gate of a French city on articles brought within the walls.
OCTROI n. (French) a duty levied on certain goods entering a town, esp. in some European countries.
PRONEPHROIpronephroi n. Plural of pronephros.
PRONEPHROS n. a primitive kidney that disappears early in embryonic development.
RHINOCEROIrhinoceroi n. Plural of rhinoceros.
RHINOCEROS n. a large heavy ungulate mammal of the perissodactyl family Rhinocerotidae, also RHINOCEROT, RHINOCEROTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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