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There are 12 words ending with RDE

URDEurdé adj. (Heraldry) Pointed, as a cross, or having a point projected, as a bend; varriated.
URDE adj. in heraldry, pointed, with a pattern of points, also URDEE, URDY.
BARDEBARDE v. to cover a horse with armour, also BARD.
BORDEBORDE n. (obsolete) board, also BOORD, BOORDE, BORD.
HORDEhorde n. A wandering troop or gang; especially, a clan or tribe of a nomadic people (originally Tatars) migrating…
horde n. A large number of people or things.
horde v. To travel en masse, to flock.
MERDEmerde n. (Humorous, nonstandard) Shit.
MERDE n. (vulgar French) excrement, used as an interjection.
BOORDEBOORDE n. (Spenser) board, also BOORD, BORD, BORDE.
GOURDEgourde n. The currency of Haiti, divided into 100 centimes.
GOURDE n. (French) a monetary unit of Haiti.
BOMBARDEBombarde n. (Music) A powerful, brassy reed stop on an organ of 8’, 16’ or 32’.
BOMBARDE n. an alto wind instrument similar to the oboe.
POULARDEpoularde n. Alternative form of poulard (“young spayed hen”).
POULARDE n. (French) a spayed hen, also POULARD.
GAILLARDEgaillarde n. Alternative form of galliard (dance).
GAILLARDE adj. (obsolete) brisk, lively, also GAILLARD.
PALOVERDEpaloverde n. Alternative spelling of palo verde.
palo␣verde n. (US) Any of a variety of trees in the genus Parkinsonia, with characteristic green bark, found in desert…
Palo␣Verde prop.n. A census-designated place in Imperial County, California, United States.
MISERICORDEmisericorde n. (Obsolete) An act of clemency; pity, mercy.
misericorde n. Alternative form of misericord.
miséricorde n. Alternative form of misericord.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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