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There are 19 nine-letter words ending with RON

ANTIDORONantidoron n. (Christianity, Eastern Orthodoxy, Eastern Catholicism) A piece of ordinary leavened bread, taken from…
ANTIDORON n. (Latin) the unconsecrated bread remaining after the Eucharistic Liturgy, blessed by the priests and given to noncommunicants as well as communicants.
BRONDYRONBRONDYRON n. (Spenser) a brand, a sword.
COSMOTRONcosmotron n. (Physics) A proton synchrotron.
COSMOTRON n. a large synchrotron used for accelerating protons to high energies.
CUPFERRONcupferron n. (Organic chemistry) The salt ammonium N-nitrosophenylhydroxylamine used to form complexes with metal ions.
CUPFERRON n. a compound used in chemical analysis.
CYCLOTRONcyclotron n. An early particle accelerator in which charged particles were generated at a central source and accelerated…
CYCLOTRON n. a type of particle accelerator.
DECELERONdeceleron n. (Aviation) A two-part aileron that can be deflected as a unit to provide roll control, or split open…
DECELERON n. a type of aileron.
EPHEMERONephemeron n. Something short-lived or transitory.
ephemeron n. (Programming) A type of weak reference in a garbage collected programming language that does not permit…
EPHEMERON n. something of short lifetime.
MAGNETRONmagnetron n. (Physics) a device in which electrons are made to resonate in a specially shaped chamber and thus produce…
MAGNETRON n. a vacuum tube combined with a magnetic field to deflect electrons.
MELLOTRONmellotron n. (Music) An early electronic keyboard instrument that played back prerecorded sounds.
MELLOTRON n. (tradename) an electronic keyboard instrument programmed to produce the tape-recorder sounds of orchestral instruments.
PERCHERONPercheron n. A draught horse of a large, strong, usually dapple-grey breed originating in Perche, a former district of France.
PERCHERON n. (French) a draught-horse of a breed originating in La Perche in Normandy.
PHYTOTRONphytotron n. (Biology) A laboratory in the form of a greenhouse or similar building in which plants can be grown…
PHYTOTRON n. an apparatus that produces climates artificially for the study of plant growth.
RESNATRONresnatron n. (Historical) A large power tube designed to jam enemy radar by generating power at microwave frequencies.
RESNATRON n. a high-power, high-frequency tetrode.
SEMANTRONsemantron n. A percussion instrument used chiefly in Eastern Orthodox monasteries to summon the brethren to prayer…
SEMANTRON n. (Greek) a wooden or metal bar struck with a mallet, used instead of a bell in Orthodox churches.
SIGMATRONSIGMATRON n. a machine generating high-potential X-rays.
STICHERONsticheron n. A hymn, often written in cycles and sung in alternation with psalm verses, used in the Orthodox Church…
STICHERON n. (Greek) a short hymn.
SUBMICRONsubmicron adj. (Physics) Smaller than micron-scale.
submicron n. A unit smaller than a micron.
SUBMICRON n. a particle visible by ultramicroscope but not by the ordinary microscope.
THYRATRONthyratron n. (Electronics) Any of several types of thermoelectric valve once used as a high-speed switch.
THYRATRON n. a gas-filled valve with a heated cathode, able to carry very high currents.
TIERCERONtierceron n. (Architecture) A type of rib in Gothic vaulting, springing from the intersection of two other ribs.
TIERCERON n. a subordinate rib springing from the intersection of two other ribs.
TRIHEDRONtrihedron n. (Mathematics) A geometric figure composed of three planes meeting at a single vertex.
TRIHEDRON n. a solid figure with three plane surfaces meeting at a point.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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