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List of 7-letter words ending with

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There are 10 seven-letter words ending with RIL

APPERILapperil n. (Obsolete) peril.
APPERIL n. (Shakespeare) peril, also APPERILL.
GOMERILgomeril n. Alternative spelling of gomeral.
GOMERIL n. (Scots) a simpleton, also GOMERAL, GOMEREL.
IMPERILimperil v. (Transitive) To put into peril; to place in danger.
imperil v. (Transitive) To risk or hazard.
IMPERIL v. to put in danger, also PERIL.
MANDRILmandril n. Alternative spelling of mandrel.
MANDRIL n. a bar of iron fitted to a turning-lathe on which articles to be turned are fixed, also MANDREL.
NOMBRILnombril n. (Heraldry) A point halfway between the fess point and the middle base point of an escutcheon.
NOMBRIL n. (French) the point on an escutcheon between the fess point and the base point.
NOSTRILnostril n. Either of the two orifices located on the nose (or on the beak of a bird); used as a passage for air…
NOSTRIL n. an external opening of the nose.
SCURRILscurril adj. Obsolete form of scurrile.
SCURRIL adj. (archaic) like or worthy of a vulgar buffoon; indecently opprobrious or jocular, also SCURRILE.
TENDRILtendril n. (Botany) A thin, spirally coiling stem that attaches a plant to its support.
tendril n. (Zoology) A hair-like tentacle.
tendril adj. Having the shape or properties of a tendril; thin and coiling; entwining.
TESTRILTESTRIL n. (obsolete) a sixpence, also TESTRILL.
TUMBRILtumbril n. (Historical) A kind of medieval torture device, later associated with a cucking stool.
tumbril n. A cart which opens at the back to release its load.
tumbril n. (Historical) A cart used to carry condemned prisoners to their death, especially to the guillotine during…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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