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There are 11 five-letter words ending with RIA

AGRIAAgria prop.n. A surname.
AGRIA n. a skin condition with extensive pus blisters.
ATRIAatria n. Plural of atrium.
ATRIUM n. (Latin) a square hall lighted from above, into which rooms open at one or more levels.
CERIAceria n. (Chemistry) The compound cerium(IV) oxide.
CERIA n. cerium oxide.
CORIAcoria n. Plural of corium.
Coria prop.n. A surname.
Coria prop.n. A city, a Cáceres in Spain.
CURIAcuria n. (Historical) Any of the subdivisions of a tribe in ancient Rome.
curia n. (Historical) The Roman senate during the republic.
curia n. (Historical) Any of several medieval councils or courts of justice.
FERIAferia n. A weekday on a Church calendar on which no feast is observed.
Feria prop.n. A surname.
FERIA n. (Latin) a weekday which is neither a fast nor a festival.
MARIAmaria n. Plural of mare (lunar plain).
Maria prop.n. A female given name from Hebrew.
Maria prop.n. A Dravidian language spoken in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh provinces in India.
MORIAmoria n. Excessive frivolity; an inability to be serious.
Moria prop.n. A town in Mytilene, Lesbos, North Aegean, Greece, in the Aegean, Mediterranean, off the coast of Anatolia.
Moria prop.n. A former settlement in Moria, Mytilene, Lesbos, North Aegean, Greece, an early 21st-century refugee…
NORIAnoria n. A water wheel with attached buckets, used to raise and deposit water.
noria n. Any machine using buckets to raise water to an aqueduct.
NORIA n. (Arabic) esp. in Spain and the East, a device for raising water from a stream etc., consisting of a chain of pots or buckets, revolving round a wheel driven by the water current.
STRIAstria n. A stripe, usually one of a set of parallel stripes.
stria n. (Architecture) One of the fillets between the flutes of columns, etc..
stria n. A stretch mark.
VARIAVARIA n. (Latin) a literary miscellany.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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