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There are 10 seven-letter words ending with QUET

BANQUETbanquet n. A large celebratory meal; a feast.
banquet n. (Archaic) A dessert; a course of sweetmeats.
banquet n. A ceremonial dinner party for many people.
BOSQUETbosquet n. Alternative spelling of bosket.
BOSQUET n. a thicket, a plantation, also BOSK, BOSKET, BOSQUE, BUSKET.
BOUQUETbouquet n. A bunch of cut flowers.
bouquet n. A decoratively arranged bunch of something.
bouquet n. The scent of a particular wine.
BRIQUETbriquet n. Alternative form of briquette in all its senses.
briquet n. (Dated) Synonym of lighter in reference to any device used to light cigarettes.
briquet v. Alternative form of briquette.
CROQUETcroquet n. (Uncountable, games) A game played on a lawn, in which players use mallets to drive balls through hoops (wickets).
croquet n. (Countable, games) A shot in this game in which the striker’s ball and another ball are moved by hitting…
croquet n. (Countable) A croquette.
DOCQUETdocquet n. Archaic form of docket.
docquet v. Archaic form of docket.
DOCQUET v. to make a summary of the contents of a document, also DOCKET.
PARQUETparquet n. A wooden floor made of parquetry.
parquet n. The part of a theatre between the orchestra and the parquet circle.
parquet n. (Historical) In some European countries, the branch of the administrative government that handles prosecutions.
PICQUETpicquet n. Alternative form of piquet (“card game”).
picquet n. (Military) Archaic form of picket.
picquet v. (Military) Archaic form of picket.
RACQUETracquet n. (Chiefly UK) Alternative form of racket (“implement with a handle connected to a round frame”).
racquet v. To hit with a racquet.
racquet v. To play a game that involves using a racquet.
ROCQUETROCQUET n. a close-fitting surplice-like vestment worn by bishops and abbots, also ROCHET, ROQUET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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