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There are 12 words ending with PTIOUS

ADOPTIOUSadoptious adj. (Obsolete) Adopted.
ADOPTIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) adopted.
BUMPTIOUSbumptious adj. Obtrusively pushy; self-assertive to a pretentious extreme.
BUMPTIOUS adj. offensively conceited or self-assertive.
CAPTIOUScaptious adj. (Obsolete) That captures; especially, (Of an argument, words etc.) designed to capture or entrap in…
captious adj. Having a disposition to find fault unreasonably or to raise petty objections; cavilling, nitpicky.
CAPTIOUS adj. tending to find fault.
CARNAPTIOUScarnaptious adj. Bad-tempered, quarrelsome, snappy.
CARNAPTIOUS adj. (Scots) bad-tempered; cantankerous, also CURNAPTIOUS.
CONCEPTIOUSconceptious adj. (Obsolete) Apt to conceive; fruitful.
CONCEPTIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) fruitful.
CURNAPTIOUSCURNAPTIOUS adj. (Scots) bad-tempered; cantankerous, also CARNAPTIOUS.
DECEPTIOUSdeceptious adj. (Obsolete) Tending to deceive.
DECEPTIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) deceitful.
EXCEPTIOUSexceptious adj. (Obsolete) Apt to take exception, or to object; captious, complaining.
EXCEPTIOUS adj. (archaic) disposed to take exception.
GOLOPTIOUSgoloptious adj. (Colloquial, dialect, dated) fine; splendid.
goloptious adj. (Colloquial, dialect, dated) delicious; luscious.
GOLOPTIOUS adj. (slang) delicious, voluptuous, also GOLUPTIOUS.
GOLUPTIOUSgoluptious adj. Splendid, delightful, magnificent.
GOLUPTIOUS adj. (slang) delicious, voluptuous, also GOLOPTIOUS.
GUMPTIOUSgumptious adj. (Colloquial) Having gumption.
GUMPTIOUS adj. possessing gumption.
SCRUMPTIOUSscrumptious adj. (Informal) Delicious; delectable.
scrumptious adj. (Informal, obsolete) Picky; fastidious.
SCRUMPTIOUS adj. delightful, delicious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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