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There are 8 words ending with PULSE

AEROPULSEaeropulse n. Pulsejet.
AEROPULSE n. a type of jet engine.
APPULSEappulse n. An energetic movement towards or against something; a push, a strike.
appulse n. (Astronomy) A close approach of two heavenly bodies; a conjunction or occultation.
APPULSE n. the close approach of a planet or asteroid to a star without the occurrence of an eclipse.
COMPULSEcompulse v. To force, constrain, or obligate.
compulse v. To behave in a compulsive manner.
COMPULSE v. (obsolete) to compel.
EXPULSEexpulse v. To expel.
EXPULSE v. (obsolete) to expel.
IMPULSEimpulse n. A thrust; a push; a sudden force that impels.
impulse n. A wish or urge, particularly a sudden one prompting action.
impulse n. (Physics) The integral of force over time.
MONOPULSEmonopulse adj. Being a radar system that compares the received signal from a single radar pulse against itself in order…
MONOPULSE n. a type of radar system used in gun control.
PULSEpulse n. (Physiology).
pulse n. (Figuratively) A beat or throb; also, a repeated sequence of such beats or throbs.
pulse n. (Figuratively) The focus of energy or vigour of an activity, place, or thing; also, the feeling of bustle…
REPULSErepulse v. (Transitive) To repel or drive back.
repulse v. (Transitive) To reject or rebuff.
repulse v. (Transitive) To cause revulsion in.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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