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There are 14 words ending with PRISE

APPRISEapprise v. To make (someone or oneself) aware of some information; to inform, to notify.
apprise v. (Rare) To formally impart (information) to someone; to advise, to notify.
apprise v. Synonym of appraise (“to determine the value or worth of (something)”).
COMPRISEcomprise v. (Transitive) To be made up of; to consist of (especially a comprehensive list of parts).
comprise v. (Sometimes proscribed, usually in the passive) To compose; to constitute.
comprise v. To contain or embrace.
EMPRISEemprise n. (Archaic) An enterprise or endeavor, especially a quest or adventure.
emprise n. (Archaic) The qualities which prompt one to undertake difficult and dangerous exploits; chivalric prowess.
emprise v. (Obsolete) To undertake.
ENTERPRISEenterprise n. A company, business, organization, or other purposeful endeavor.
enterprise n. An undertaking, venture, or project, especially a daring and courageous one.
enterprise n. (Uncountable) A willingness to undertake new or risky projects; energy and initiative.
EPRISEEPRISE adj. (French) captivated or smitten (of a female).
MAINPRISEmainprise n. (Law, historical) A writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to take sureties, called mainpernors…
mainprise n. (Law, historical) Deliverance of a prisoner on security for his appearance at a day.
mainprise v. (Transitive, law) To allow (a prisoner) to go at large, on his finding sureties, or mainpernors, for…
MESPRISEmesprise n. Alternative form of misprize.
mesprise v. Obsolete form of misprize.
MESPRISE n. (Spenser) scorn, slighting, also MESPRIZE.
MICROENTERPRISEmicroenterprise n. (Business) A very small business with five or fewer employees, or the business sector comprising these businesses.
MISPRISEmisprise v. Alternative spelling of misprize.
MISPRISE v. to undervalue, also MISPRIZE.
PRISEprise n. (Obsolete) An enterprise or adventure.
prise n. Obsolete form of prize.
prise v. To force (open) with a lever; to pry.
REPRISEreprise n. A recurrence or resumption of an action.
reprise n. (Music) A repetition of a phrase, a return to an earlier theme, or a second rendition or version of…
reprise n. (Fencing) A renewal of a failed attack, after going back into the en garde position.
SURPRISEsurprise n. Something unexpected.
surprise n. The feeling that something unexpected has happened.
surprise v. (Transitive) To cause (someone) to feel unusually alarmed or delighted by something unexpected.
UNDERPRISEUNDERPRISE v. (obsolete) to value too little.
UPRISEuprise v. (Archaic) To rise; to get up.
uprise v. (Archaic) To have an upward direction or inclination.
uprise v. To rebel or revolt; to take part in an uprising.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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