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There are 15 words ending with PLINE

COMPLINEcompline n. (Christianity) The last of the canonical hours, sung just before retiring to bed.
COMPLINE n. in the Christian liturgy, the seventh and last service of the day, at 9 p.m., completing the set hours for prayer, also COMPLIN.
DISCIPLINEdiscipline n. A controlled behaviour; self-control.
discipline n. A specific branch of knowledge or learning.
discipline v. (Transitive) To train someone by instruction and practice.
GRAPLINEgrapline n. A grapnel (small anchor).
GRAPLINE n. a type of anchor, also GRAPLIN.
HELPLINEhelpline n. (Telecommunications) A telephone service (or (by extension) one using email, SMS, or the Web) which…
HELPLINE n. an often free telephone line by means of which people with a particular problem may contact advisers who will help them deal with it.
HIPLINEhipline n. (Textiles) The line of a garment around the hips.
HIPLINE n. the distance around the hips.
INDISCIPLINEindiscipline n. Lack of discipline.
INDISCIPLINE n. lack of discipline, also UNDISCIPLINE.
MULTIDISCIPLINEmultidiscipline adj. Combining several disciplines; multidisciplinary.
MULTIDISCIPLINE adj. comprising many disciplines.
SPLINEspline n. Long thin piece of metal or wood.
spline n. (Woodworking) A strip of wood or other material inserted into grooves in each of two pieces of wood…
spline n. A flexible strip of metal or other material, that may be bent into a curve and used in a similar manner…
STRAPLINEstrapline n. (Journalism) A secondary heading, especially one printed above another.
strapline n. (Britain) A memorable slogan attached to a commercial brand.
strap␣line n. Alternative form of strapline.
SUBDISCIPLINEsubdiscipline n. A field of study or work that is related to one aspect, but not the whole, of a broader field of study or work.
sub-discipline n. Alternative spelling of subdiscipline.
SUBDISCIPLINE n. a subdivision of a discipline.
TOPLINEtopline n. The upper curvature of a horse’s or dog’s withers, back, and loin.
topline n. Principal billing.
topline n. The edge that runs along the top of the opening of a shoe.
TRAPLINEtrapline n. A series or line of traps.
TRAPLINE n. a series of traps.
TUMPLINEtumpline n. A strap used to carry objects tied to its ends by placing the broadened or cushioned middle of the strap…
tump␣line n. Alternative form of tumpline.
TUMPLINE n. a strap for supporting a load on the back.
UNDISCIPLINEundiscipline n. Alternative form of indiscipline.
UNDISCIPLINE n. lack of discipline, also INDISCIPLINE.
ZIPLINEzipline n. A pulley suspended on a cable mounted on an incline, designed to enable a user to travel from one point…
zipline n. A trip on a zipline.
zipline v. To travel by zipline.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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