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There are 18 words ending with PIONS

PIONSpions n. Plural of pion.
PION n. an elementary particle of the meson family.
DUPIONSdupions n. Plural of dupion.
DUPION n. (French) a coarse silk, also DOUPIONI, DOUPPIONI.
CAMPIONScampions n. Plural of campion.
Campions prop.n. Plural of Campion.
CAMPION n. any plant of the genera Lychnis and Silene having usually pink or white star- or salver-shaped flowers with notched petals.
LAMPIONSlampions n. Plural of lampion.
LAMPION n. an oil lamp, often in a decorative coloured-glass pot.
POMPIONSpompions n. Plural of pompion.
POMPION n. (obsolete) a pumpkin, also PUMPION, PUNKIN.
PUMPIONSpumpions n. Plural of pumpion.
PUMPION n. (obsolete) a pumpkin, also POMPION, PUNKIN.
RAMPIONSrampions n. Plural of rampion.
RAMPION n. a European plant.
TAMPIONStampions n. Plural of tampion.
TAMPION n. (French) a protective plug placed in the mouth of a gun or cannon, also TOMPION.
TOMPIONStompions n. Plural of tompion.
TOMPION n. (French) a protective plug placed in mouth of gun or cannon, also TAMPION.
CHAMPIONSchampions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of champion.
champions n. Plural of champion.
CHAMPION v. to defend or support.
SCORPIONSscorpions n. Plural of scorpion.
Scorpions n. Plural of Scorpion.
SCORPION n. any arachnid of the genus Scorpio.
BUPROPIONSBUPROPION n. an antidepressant drug used in the treatment of nicotine addiction.
ECTROPIONSectropions n. Plural of ectropion.
ECTROPION n. an unnatural eversion of the eyelids, also ECTROPIUM.
ENCOLPIONSencolpions n. Plural of encolpion.
ENCOLPION n. (Greek) a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast, also ENCOLPIUM.
ENTROPIONSENTROPION n. (Greek) the inversion or turning in of the border of the eyelids, also ENTROPIUM.
USUCAPIONSusucapions n. Plural of usucapion.
USUCAPION n. the acquisition of a property through long usage, also USUCAPTION.
COCHAMPIONScochampions n. Plural of cochampion.
COCHAMPION n. a joint champion.
PSEUDOSCORPIONSpseudoscorpions n. Plural of pseudoscorpion.
PSEUDOSCORPION n. any of various small arachnids of the order Pseudoscorpiones, resembling a scorpion but tailless, and found in soil, leaf litter, bark, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 194 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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