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There are 18 words ending with PENCE

PENCEpence n. Plural of penny (the subunit of the pound sterling or Irish pound).
Pence prop.n. A surname.
PENCE n. in the United Kingdom, a new penny.
SPENCEspence n. (UK, dialect, dated) A buttery or pantry.
Spence prop.n. Short form of the male given name Spencer.
Spence prop.n. A surname.
DISPENCEdispence v. Obsolete form of dispense.
DISPENCE v. (Spenser) to distribute, also DISPENSE.
FIPPENCEfippence n. (Britain, informal, dated) fivepence.
FIPPENCE n. (colloquial) fivepence, a coin worth five pence.
SIXPENCEsixpence n. (Obsolete, Britain, uncountable) The value of six old pence; half of a shilling; or one-fortieth of a pound sterling.
sixpence n. (Historical) A former British coin worth sixpence, first minted in 1551.
SIXPENCE n. an obsolete British coin worth six pence.
SUSPENCEsuspence n. Obsolete spelling of suspense.
SUSPENCE adj. (Milton) suspended, held back, also SUSPENS.
TENPENCEtenpence n. (Obsolete, Britain, Ireland) A coin worth ten old pence.
tenpence n. (Rare, Britain, Ireland) A coin worth ten new pence.
tenpence n. (Obsolete, Britain, Ireland) The value of ten old pence.
TUPPENCEtuppence n. (Britain, informal, dated) Two pence (in pre- or post-decimalisation currency).
tuppence n. (Britain, idiomatic) Short for tuppence worth (“one’s opinion”).
tuppence n. (Britain, slang, euphemistic, usually childish) The vulva or vagina.
TWOPENCEtwopence n. (Britain, Ireland) A British or Irish coin worth two (old or new) pence.
twopence n. (Britain, Ireland) A cost or value of two pence.
twopence n. (Britain, Ireland) (by extension) A small amount or value.
FIVEPENCEfivepence n. A monetary amount of five pence.
fivepence n. A coin of this value.
FIVEPENCE n. a coin worth five pence, also FIPPENCE.
FOURPENCEfourpence n. A monetary amount of four pence.
fourpence n. A former British silver coin, worth four pence.
FOURPENCE n. four pre-decimal pennies.
HALFPENCEhalfpence n. Plural of halfpenny.
halfpence n. A halfpenny.
half-pence n. Obsolete form of halfpence; obsolete plural of halfpenny.
NINEPENCEninepence n. (Obsolete, Britain) A former British silver coin, worth nine old pennies.
ninepence n. (Obsolete, Britain) Nine old pennies.
ninepence n. (Obsolete, New England) A Spanish real, valued at twelve and a half cents.
EIGHTPENCEeightpence n. (Historical, numismatics) A former coin worth eight pence; the monetary amount of eight pence.
EIGHTPENCE n. a coin worth eight pence.
RECOMPENCErecompence n. Obsolete form of recompense.
recompence v. Obsolete form of recompense.
RECOMPENCE n. (obsolete) a reward, a compensation, also RECOMPENSE.
SEVENPENCEsevenpence n. (UK, obsolete) The value of seven old pennies.
sevenpence n. (UK, obsolete, rare) Construed as singular.
SEVENPENCE n. a coin worth seven pence.
THREEPENCEthreepence n. (Uncountable) The amount of money equal to that of three pence (old or new).
threepence n. (Countable, historical) A former (pre-decimalisation) British or Irish coin worth three old pence.
THREEPENCE n. a coin worth three pence, also THREEPENNY, THRUPPENCE, THRUPPENNY.
THRUPPENCEthruppence n. (Britain, informal, dated) Threepence (in pre- or post-decimalisation currency).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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