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There are 15 words ending with PILE

AEOLIPILEaeolipile n. A steam engine powered by rocket propulsion due to escaping steam, consisting of a pressure vessel mounted…
æolipile n. Archaic form of aeolipile.
AEOLIPILE n. the first steam engine, with a globe made to revolve by steam jets, also AEOLIPYLE, EOLIPILE, EOLOPILE.
COMPILEcompile v. (Transitive) To put together; to assemble; to make by gathering things from various sources.
compile v. (Obsolete) To construct; to build.
compile v. (Transitive, snooker) To achieve (a break) by making a sequence of shots.
DOGPILEdogpile n. (US colloquial) A disorderly pile of people formed by jumping upon a victim.
dogpile n. (Figurative, US colloquial) Any similarly disorderly pile of people or things.
dogpile n. (US colloquial, euphemistic) A pile of dogshit.
EOLIPILEeolipile n. Alternative form of aeolipile.
EOLIPILE n. the first steam engine, with a globe made to revolve by steam jets, also AEOLIPILE, AEOLIPYLE, EOLOPILE.
EOLOPILEeolopile n. A metal sphere, containing water, and having two opposing jets, that rotates when the water is boiled.
EOLOPILE n. the first steam engine, with a globe made to revolve by steam jets, also AEOLIPILE, AEOLIPYLE, EOLIPILE.
PILEpile n. A mass of things heaped together; a heap.
pile n. (Informal) A group or list of related items up for consideration, especially in some kind of selection process.
pile n. A mass formed in layers.
RECOMPILErecompile v. To compile again.
recompile n. (Computing) An act of recompiling code.
RECOMPILE v. to compile again.
SANDPILEsandpile n. A pile of sand.
sandpile n. (Mathematics, computing) Any of several models in which a series of connected nodes interact with their…
SANDPILE n. a pile of sand.
SHAGPILEshagpile n. Shag carpet.
SHAGPILE adj. of carpets, having a pile of long thick fibres.
SPILEspile n. (Obsolete or dialectal) A splinter.
spile n. A spigot or plug used to stop the hole in a barrel or cask.
spile n. (US) A spout inserted in a maple (or other tree) to draw off sap.
STOCKPILEstockpile n. A supply (especially a large one) of something kept for future use, specifically in case the cost of…
stockpile n. (Mining) A pile of coal or ore heaped up on the ground after it has been mined.
stockpile v. (Transitive).
THERMOPILEthermopile n. (Electronics) An electronic device that converts thermal energy into electrical energy. Usually constructed…
THERMOPILE n. an instrument measuring minute changes in temperature.
UNPILEunpile v. (Transitive) To remove from a pile or stack.
UNPILE v. to disentangle from a pile.
UPPILEuppile v. (Obsolete) To pile up; to heap up.
UPPILE v. to pile up.
WOODPILEwoodpile n. A pile of cut wood to be used as fuel.
woodpile n. (Games) An arrangement of dominoes.
WOODPILE n. a pile of wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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