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There are 11 words ending with PANE

COUNTERPANEcounterpane n. (Dated) The topmost covering of a bed, often functioning as a blanket; a coverlet, bedspread.
COUNTERPANE n. a bed coverlet.
CYCLOPROPANEcyclopropane n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) The simplest alicyclic hydrocarbon, C3H6, an inflammable gas, sometimes…
CYCLOPROPANE n. a flammable gaseous saturated cyclic hydrocarbon sometimes used as a general anesthetic.
ELECAMPANEelecampane n. A tall Eurasian herb, Inula helenium, whose roots have been used medicinally.
ELECAMPANE n. a composite plant formerly much cultivated for its medicinal root, also ALYCOMPAINE.
FRANGIPANEfrangipane n. (Uncountable) A cream made from ground almonds used in confectionery.
frangipane n. (Countable) A pastry filled with this cream.
frangipane n. Alternative form of frangipani (“type of perfume”).
MARCHPANEmarchpane n. Obsolete form of marzipan.
MARCHPANE n. (Italian) an old name for marzipan, a confection of ground almonds, egg whites, and sugar.
MOPANEmopane n. A tree, Colophospermum mopane, native to southern Africa.
mopane n. The mopane worm or mopane moth Gonimbrasia belina.
MOPANE n. (Bantu) a small South African tree with racemes of greenish flowers, also MOPANI.
PANEpane n. An individual sheet of glass in a window, door, etc.
pane n. (Computing, graphical user interface) A portion of a user interface that typically makes up part of…
pane n. A division; a distinct piece or compartment of any surface.
PARPANEPARPANE n. a stone passing through a wall from face to face, also PARPEN, PARPEND, PARPENT, PARPOINT, PERPENT.
PROPANEpropane n. (Organic chemistry) An aliphatic hydrocarbon, C3H8, a constituent of natural gas.
PROPANE n. a flammable gas.
SPANEspane v. (Obsolete, UK, dialect) To wean; to spean.
SPANE v. (Scots) to wean, also SPAIN, SPEAN.
WINDOWPANEwindowpane n. A piece of glass filling a window or a section of a window.
windowpane n. (Slang) A gelatin base tab with LSD.
WINDOWPANE n. the glass in a window.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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