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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 8 eight-letter words ending with PTER

ABRUPTERabrupter adj. Comparative form of abrupt: more abrupt.
ABRUPT adj. sudden.
ACCEPTERaccepter n. A person who accepts; a taker.
accepter n. (Obsolete) A respecter; one who views others with partiality.
accepter n. (Law) An acceptor; one who accepts an order or a bill of exchange.
CALYPTERcalypter n. (Biology, entomology) Either of two posterior wing lobes that appear in dipteran flies of the subsection…
CALYPTER n. a hood or hoodlike structure, esp. that covering the spore capsule of mosses and liverworts, also CALYPTERA, CALYPTRA.
HEMIPTERhemipter n. (Zoology) Any organism of the order Hemiptera, including cicadas, aphids, planthoppers, leafhoppers, and shield bugs.
HEMIPTER n. (Greek) one of the Hemiptera, an order of insects including bugs and cicadas, also HEMIPTERAN, HEMIPTERON.
HOROPTERhoropter n. For any system of binocular vision, a three-dimensional curve containing all points from which the light…
HOROPTER n. a set of points which have the same visual angle.
PERIPTERperipter n. (Rare) In classical architecture, a building surrounded by a single row of columns.
peripter n. An encompassing single row of columns.
PERIPTER n. a structure with a row of columns around all sides.
PROMPTERprompter adj. Comparative form of prompt: more prompt.
prompter n. (Theater) The person who does the prompting.
PROMPTER n. one that prompts.
SCRIPTERscripter n. (Computing) A programmer who uses a scripting language.
scripter n. (Authorship) A scriptwriter.
SCRIPTER n. one who scripts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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