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There are 14 ten-letter words ending with PODS

ACTINOPODSactinopods n. Plural of actinopod.
ACTINOPOD n. any protozoan of the phylum Actinopoda, such as a radiolarian or a heliozoan, having stiff radiating cytoplasmic projections.
ARTHROPODSarthropods n. Plural of arthropod.
ARTHROPOD n. any member of the phylum Arthropoda, members of which (e.g. insects, arachnids, and crustaceans) are characterized by segmented bodies and jointed limbs.
CHAETOPODSchaetopods n. Plural of chaetopod.
CHAETOPOD n. a member of the Chaetopoda, bristle-worms.
GASTROPODSgastropods n. Plural of gastropod.
GASTROPOD n. a class of asymmetrical molluscs, including limpets, whelks, snails and slugs, also GASTEROPOD.
HETEROPODSheteropods n. Plural of heteropod.
HETEROPOD n. any of a group of free-swimming prosobranch gastropods having the foot adapted for swimming.
MONKEYPODSmonkeypods n. Plural of monkeypod.
MONKEYPOD n. the rain-tree.
PELECYPODSpelecypods n. Plural of pelecypod.
PELECYPOD n. a pelecypod mollusc, a bivalve.
PERAEOPODSperaeopods n. Plural of peraeopod.
PERAEOPOD n. each of the eight walking limbs of a crustacean such as a crab or lobster, growing from the thorax, also PEREIOPOD, PEREOPOD.
PEREIOPODSpereiopods n. Plural of pereiopod.
PEREIOPOD n. each of the eight walking limbs of a crustacean such as a crab or lobster, growing from the thorax, also PERAEOPOD, PEREOPOD.
PHYLLOPODSphyllopods n. Plural of phyllopod.
PHYLLOPOD n. one of an order of crustaceans whose swimming and respiratory appendages resemble leaves.
PSEUDOPODSpseudopods n. Plural of pseudopod.
PSEUDOPOD n. a process protruding from the cell of a protozoan, etc., used for movement or feeding.
RATTLEPODSrattlepods n. Plural of rattlepod.
RATTLEPODS n. a genus of plants and shrubs with pods in which the seeds rattle, aka crotalaria.
SCAPHOPODSscaphopods n. Plural of scaphopod.
SCAPHOPOD n. a member of a class of marine molluscs.
SCHIZOPODSschizopods n. Plural of schizopod.
SCHIZOPOD n. one of the Schizopoda, shrimplike crustaceans.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 26 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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