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There are 14 seven-letter words ending with PIT

CESSPITcesspit n. A cesspool; a pit or covered cistern used to collect sewage and waste water.
cess-pit n. Alternative spelling of cesspit.
CESSPIT n. a covered well or pit for sewage, also CESSPOOL, SESSPOOL.
COALPITcoalpit n. A pit where coal is extracted.
coalpit n. (US) A place where charcoal is made.
COALPIT n. a pit from which coal is obtained.
COCKPITcockpit n. The driver’s compartment in a racing car (or, by extension, in a sports car or other automobile).
cockpit n. The compartment in an aircraft in which the pilot sits and from where the craft is controlled; an analogous…
cockpit n. (Now chiefly historical) A pit or other enclosure for cockfighting.
CRAMPITcrampit n. Alternative form of crampet.
CRAMPIT n. a metal tip at the end of a scabbard, also CRAMPET.
FIREPITfirepit n. A pit dug in the ground, or constructed from stones, in which a fire is made, principally for cooking.
fire␣pit n. Alternative spelling of firepit.
FIREPIT n. a depression dug in the ground in which a fire is made.
FLEAPITfleapit n. Alternative spelling of flea pit.
flea␣pit n. (Colloquial) A dilapidated building, stereotypically hosting a low-grade cinema.
FLEAPIT n. (slang) a low-class cinema.
INCIPITincipit n. The first few words of a text, especially its first line.
incipit n. (Music) The first few bars of a piece of music.
INCIPIT n. (Latin) an inscription meaning 'here begins', serving as the opening words of a text.
LIMEPITlimepit n. Alternative form of lime pit.
lime␣pit n. A limestone quarry.
LIMEPIT n. a pit from which lime is dug.
POCKPITpockpit n. A pockmark.
POCKPIT n. the scar left by a pock mark.
PUSHPITpushpit n. The railing at the stern of a boat.
PUSHPIT n. a safety railing at the stern of a yacht.
SANDPITsandpit n. A place or pit from which sand is excavated.
sandpit n. A children’s play area consisting of a large container filled with sand.
sandpit n. (Television) A small-scale illustrative model of the theater of war in the Middle East.
SHILPITSHILPIT adj. (Scots) sickly-looking, puny.
SKELPITSKELP v. (Gaelic) to hustle; to slap, strike.
WHIPPITwhippit n. Alternative form of whippet (“nitrous oxide cartridge”).
WHIPPIT n. a small canister of nitrous oxide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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