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There are 17 words ending with ORISTIC

ADIAPHORISTICadiaphoristic adj. (Theology) Theologically indifferent.
ADIAPHORISTIC adj. theologically indifferent.
AMORISTICamoristic adj. Pertaining or devoted to love; amatory.
AMORISTIC adj. amorous.
AORISTICaoristic adj. (Grammar) Of, or relating to the aorist aspect.
AORISTIC adj. pertaining to the aorist verb tense.
APHORISTICaphoristic adj. Of, relating to, or containing aphorisms, maxims or epigrams; gnomic.
APHORISTIC adj. relating to aphorism.
BEHAVIORISTICbehavioristic adj. Of or pertaining to behaviorism, especially B. F. Skinner’s school of radical behaviorism.
BEHAVIORISTIC adj. relating to behaviorism, also BEHAVIOURISTIC.
COLORISTICcoloristic adj. (Art, music) Of, pertaining to, or focused on coloring or an enhanced use of colour.
COLORISTIC adj. relating to a colorist, one who deals with color.
DIORISTICdioristic adj. (Dated) that distinguishes or defines something; distinctive.
DIORISTIC adj. serving to distinguish, also DIORISTICAL.
FLORISTICfloristic adj. Describing a region with a relatively uniform composition of plant species.
floristic adj. Of or pertaining to floristics.
FLORISTIC adj. relating to flora.
FOLKLORISTICfolkloristic adj. About the traditions and stories of a country or community; Characteristic of folklore.
FOLKLORISTIC adj. relating to folklore.
GONGORISTICGongoristic adj. Exhibiting or relating to Gongorism.
GONGORISTIC adj. relating to Gongorism, a florid, inverted and pedantic style of writing, introduced by the Spanish poet Luis de Gongora y Argote.
HUMORISTIChumoristic adj. Pertaining to a humorist or his or her style.
HUMORISTIC adj. of, pertaining to, or resembling, a humorist.
HYPOCORISTIChypocoristic adj. Relating to a nickname, usually indicating intimacy with the person.
hypocoristic adj. Relating to baby talk.
hypocoristic n. A nickname, especially one indicating intimacy and formed through a shortening of the original name.
MELIORISTICmelioristic adj. Of or related to meliorism, the belief that the world can be made better through human efforts.
MELIORISTIC adj. of or like meliorism.
PORISTICporistic adj. Of or relating to a porism; of the nature of a porism.
PORISTIC adj. relating to a porism, the geometric proposition that it is possible, in certain conditions, for a problem to have any number of solutions, also PORISMATIC, PORISMATICAL, PORISTICAL.
RIGORISTICrigoristic adj. Exhibiting rigorism; strict.
RIGORISTIC adj. relating to rigorism.
TERRORISTICterroristic adj. Of or pertaining to a terrorist, terrorism, or terror.
TERRORISTIC adj. relating to terrorism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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