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There are 14 words ending with OTABLE

NOTABLEnotable adj. Worthy of note; remarkable; memorable; noted or distinguished.
notable adj. Easily noted (without connotations of value); clearly noticeable, conspicuous.
notable adj. That can be observed; perceptible.
POTABLEpotable adj. (Formal) Good for drinking without fear of disease or poisoning.
potable n. Any drinkable liquid; a beverage.
POTABLE n. a liquid suitable for drinking.
TOTABLEtotable adj. Capable of being toted, or carried around; portable.
TOTABLE adj. capable of being toted, also TOTEABLE.
VOTABLEvotable adj. Capable of being voted upon.
votable adj. Eligible to vote.
VOTABLE adj. capable of being voted on, also VOTEABLE.
BOOTABLEbootable adj. (Computing, of a disk, etc.) That can be booted; from which one can boot the system.
bootable n. (Computing) A disk or other medium from which the system can be booted.
BOOTABLE adj. of a computer, capable of being self-started.
MOOTABLEmootable adj. Capable of being mooted.
MOOTABLE adj. able to be mooted.
QUOTABLEquotable adj. Capable or worthy of being quoted.
QUOTABLE adj. capable of being quoted.
DENOTABLEdenotable adj. Capable of being denoted or marked.
DENOTABLE adj. capable of being denoted or marked.
PIVOTABLEpivotable adj. Capable of being pivoted.
PIVOTABLE adj. that can be pivoted.
SHOOTABLEshootable adj. Able to be shot.
SHOOTABLE adj. that can be shot.
UNPOTABLEunpotable adj. Not potable.
UNPOTABLE adj. not potable, undrinkable.
HERIOTABLEheriotable adj. Subject to the payment of a heriot.
HERIOTABLE adj. subject to the payment of a heriot.
PROMOTABLEpromotable adj. Able to be promoted; eligible for promotion.
PROMOTABLE adj. that can be promoted.
UNQUOTABLEunquotable adj. Not quotable; that cannot be quoted.
UNQUOTABLE adj. not quotable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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