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There are 19 words ending with ORATOR

ORATORorator n. Someone who orates or delivers an oration.
orator n. A skilled and eloquent public speaker.
orator n. (Obsolete) Someone sent to speak for someone else; an envoy, a messenger.
DECORATORdecorator n. Someone who decorates.
decorator n. (Britain) Painter and wallpaperer of buildings.
DECORATOR n. one who decorates.
PERORATORPERORATOR n. one who perorates.
CORPORATORcorporator n. (Dated) A member of a corporation, especially one of the original members.
CORPORATOR n. a member of a corporation, esp. one of the original members.
ELABORATORelaborator n. One who, or that which, elaborates.
ELABORATOR n. one who, or that which, elaborates.
EVAPORATORevaporator n. A piece of equipment used to evaporate the solvent from a solution.
evaporator n. The part of a refrigerator that absorbs heat by evaporating a refrigerant.
EVAPORATOR n. an agent that causes evaporation.
IMPLORATORimplorator n. (Obsolete) One who implores.
IMPLORATOR n. (Shakespeare) one who implores.
MELIORATORmeliorator n. One who meliorates; an improver.
MELIORATOR n. one who meliorates.
PERFORATORperforator n. A tool or machine that makes holes, or perforates, materials such as paper and card.
perforator n. A machine that can bore a tunnel underground.
perforator n. (Anatomy) A perforating artery or vein.
AMELIORATORameliorator n. A person who, or thing which, ameliorates.
AMELIORATOR n. one who ameliorates.
EDULCORATORedulcorator n. A device used to supply small quantities of sweetened liquid, water, etc., to any mixture, or to test…
EDULCORATOR n. an agent that edulcorates.
INVIGORATORinvigorator n. One who, or that which, invigorates.
INVIGORATOR n. one who invigorates.
REDECORATORredecorator n. One who redecorates.
REDECORATOR n. one who redecorates.
COLLABORATORcollaborator n. A person who works with others towards a common goal.
collaborator n. A person who cooperates traitorously with an enemy.
COLLABORATOR n. one who collaborates.
COMMEMORATORcommemorator n. A person who commemorates something.
COMMEMORATOR n. one who commemorates.
CORROBORATORcorroborator n. One who corroborates, or verifies something; one who lends credence by upholding another’s story.
CORROBORATOR n. one who corroborates.
EXPECTORATORexpectorator n. One who spits.
EXPECTORATOR n. one who expectorates.
INCORPORATORincorporator n. One who, or that which, incorporates.
INCORPORATOR n. one who incorporates.
REINVIGORATORreinvigorator n. One who or that which reinvigorates.
REINVIGORATOR n. somehting that reinvigorates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 26 words

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