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There are 15 words ending with ONSHIP

ARCHONSHIParchonship n. The rank or office of an archon.
ARCHONSHIP n. the office of an archon.
CHAMPIONSHIPchampionship n. (Sports) A competition to determine a champion, especially the final of a series of competitions.
championship n. The position of champion, or winner.
championship n. Defense or support of some cause.
COMPANIONSHIPcompanionship n. The state of having or being a companion.
companionship n. (Archaic) An association, a fellowship.
companionship n. The state of being a journeyman.
COMPOTATIONSHIPCOMPOTATIONSHIP n. being a drinking companion.
DEACONSHIPdeaconship n. The position or role of a deacon.
DEACONSHIP n. the office or ministry of a deacon or deaconess.
DONSHIPdonship n. The position or role of a don.
DONSHIP n. the rank of a Spanish nobleman.
MATRONSHIPmatronship n. Matronage.
MATRONSHIP n. the state of being a matron.
MOONSHIPMOONSHIP n. a lunar module.
PATROONSHIPpatroonship n. (US, historical) The position or office of a patroon; landownership (originally of a Dutch colony).
patroonship n. (US, historical) An estate run by a patroon, or under a similar system.
PATROONSHIP n. the office of patroon, a ship's captain; a holder of a grant of land from the Dutch governor of New York.
PENDRAGONSHIPpendragonship n. The role or status of pendragon.
PENDRAGONSHIP n. the office of pendragon.
RELATIONSHIPrelationship n. Connection or association; the condition of being related.
relationship n. (Mathematics) The links between the x-values and y-values of ordered pairs of numbers especially coordinates.
relationship n. Kinship; being related by blood or marriage.
SEXTONSHIPsextonship n. The office or position of a sexton.
SEXTONSHIP n. the office of a sexton.
SONSHIPsonship n. The position or state of being a son.
SONSHIP n. the state of being a son, also SONHOOD.
SUBDEACONSHIPsubdeaconship n. The office of a subdeacon.
SUBDEACONSHIP n. the office of subdeacon.
SURGEONSHIPsurgeonship n. Synonym of surgeoncy.
SURGEONSHIP n. the office of surgeon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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