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There are 13 words ending with OCALLY

CONFOCALLYconfocally adv. In a confocal way.
CONFOCAL adv. of a type of microscope, having the same focus.
EQUIVOCALLYequivocally adv. With ambiguity.
equivocally adv. With uncertainty.
EQUIVOCAL adv. subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse.
FOCALLYfocally adv. With respect to a focus.
FOCAL adv. pertaining to a focus.
INTERLOCALLYinterlocally adv. Between localities.
LOCALLYlocally adv. With respect to place; in place.
locally adv. In or from the local area.
locally adv. (Medicine) In a restricted part of the body.
MATRILOCALLYmatrilocally adv. In a matrilocal fashion.
MATRILOCAL adv. of a form of marriage, in which the husband goes to live with the wife's group.
NONLOCALLYnonlocally adv. In a nonlocal manner; not locally.
PATRILOCALLYpatrilocally adv. In a patrilocal fashion.
PATRILOCAL adv. designating a form of marriage in which the wife goes to live with the husband's group.
RECIPROCALLYreciprocally adv. In a reciprocal manner; by way of returning (e.g. a favour, insult, etc).
RECIPROCAL adv. acting in return.
SUBVOCALLYsubvocally adv. In a subvocal manner.
SUBVOCAL adv. of words formed in speech order in the mind with or without (inaudible) movements of the speech organs.
UNEQUIVOCALLYunequivocally adv. In a way that leaves no doubt; in an unequivocal or unambiguous manner, unquestionably.
UNEQUIVOCAL adv. leaving no doubt, also UNEQUIVOCABLE.
UNIVOCALLYunivocally adv. In a univocal manner.
UNIVOCAL adv. having only one meaning.
VOCALLYvocally adv. In a vocal manner.
vocally adv. Using words.
VOCALLY adv. with the voice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 29 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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